Built-In Views
The system catalog exposes a set of built-in views to merge results from various system tables.
View Name | Description | SHOW Command | SHOW Description |
sys.built_in_views | The built_in_views view shows all views that are not created by a user. This view includes helper and information schema views. | N/A | N/A |
sys.service_classes_for_user | The service_classes_for_user view shows groups that each user belongs to and the service class for each group. | N/A | N/A |
sys.tasks | The tasks view shows the root tasks that have been started in the system. | N/A | N/A |
sys.pipeline_nodes | The pipeline_nodes view shows the loader nodes in the system that are actively participating in pipeline execution. | N/A | N/A |
View Name | Description | View Columns | SHOW Command | SHOW Description |
information_schema.columns | The columns view shows information for all columns in the system. | column_name, ordinal_position, column_default, is_nullable, data_type, table_name, table_catalog, table_schema | SHOW COLUMNS | This statement returns columns from user-defined tables and views where the current user has access. |
information_schema.data_types | The data_types view shows all data types in the system. | data_type | SHOW DATA_TYPES | This statement returns all data types in the system. |
information_schema.databases | The databases view shows all databases where the current user has access. | database_name, created | SHOW DATABASES | This statement returns all databases where the current user has access. |
information_schema.geometry_columns | The geometry_columns view shows information about all geometry type columns in the system. | f_table_catalog, f_table_schema, f_table_name, f_geometry_column, coord_dimension, srid, type | N/A | N/A |
information_schema.groups | The groups view shows all groups in the system. | database_name, group_name | SHOW GROUPS | This statement returns all groups in the system where the current user has read access. |
information_schema.indexes | The indexes view shows all indexes used in the system. | table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, index_name, index_type, column_name | SHOW INDEXES | This statement returns all indexes on user-defined tables where the current user has access. |
information_schema.information_schema_catalog_name | The information_schema_catalog_name view shows the current database. | catalog_name | N/A | N/A |
information_schema.pipelines | The pipelines view shows all pipelines in the system. | database_name, pipeline_name, loading_mode, source_type, data_format, created_at, created_by | SHOW PIPELINES | This statement returns all pipelines in the system where the current user has read access. |
information_schema.reserved_words | The reserved_words view shows all reserved words in the system. | reserved_word | SHOW RESERVED_WORDS | This statement returns all reserved words in the system. |
information_schema.schemata | The schemata view shows information for all schemas in the system. | schema_name, catalog_name | SHOW SCHEMATA | This statement returns all user-defined schemas where the current user has access. |
information_schema.table_privileges | The table_privileges view shows information for all table privileges in the system. | grantor, grantee, table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, privilege_type, is_grantable | N/A | N/A |
information_schema.tables | The tables view shows information for all tables in the system. | table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, table_type, is_insertable_into, created_at | SHOW TABLES | This statement returns all user-defined tables where the current user has access. |
information_schema.users | The users view shows all users in the system. | database_name, user_name | SHOW USERS | This statement returns all users in the system where the current user has read access. |
information_schema.views | The views view shows information for all views in the system. | table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, view_definition, created, updated_at | SHOW VIEWS | This statement returns all user-defined views where the current user has access. |