Query Ocient

Functions Overview

 includes many functions for statistics, mathematics, string manipulation, and working with complex types like Arrays and Geospatial data. The following types of functions are supported:

SQL Functions

Math and Arithmetic Functions

Perform mathematical operations on data in Ocient including basic operators on data types and advanced statistical functions.

Character and Binary Functions

Manipulate character strings and binary data types and use character operators such as SIMILAR TO to query character data.

Conversion and Formatting Functions

Convert data types with scalar conversions and format numbers and times in character outputs.

Date and Time Functions

Perform date operations in Ocient including manipulation and comparison of date and time types. Date and Time functions allow users to add, subtract, and truncate date time values and intervals.


Aggregates include basic aggregates and sorted aggregates that combine many rows into a single result as well as window aggregates that combine information from multiple rows within the window into each row in the result set.

Array, Tuple, and Matrix Functions

Special functions and operators to work with container types. These include operators to check set logic, slice, compare, and manipulate arrays, tuples, and matrixes.

Geospatial Functions

Functions and Operators to manipulate and compare points, linestrings, and polygons.

Miscellaneous Functions

A set of functions such as CASE, CURRENT_USER, and NULL_IF that provide additional capabilities in Ocient.