LAT Packaging and Installation
The LAT supports multiple types of packages for deployment and installation:
- .deb package
- .rpm package
- Raw .tar.gz tar folder
- Direct .jar
- container
Ask the Ocient support team for the latest package for a deployment method.
- 17 or greater
- Can either be system-level Java, or installed somewhere accessible by the user.
The LAT must run on Ocient Loader Nodes where you installed the Ocient RPM in order to provide access to numerical libraries, which ensure the correct loading of geospatial data types. If this condition is not met, some geospatial objects might load inaccurately.
1. Install/Upgrade
Debian: sudo dpkg -i lat_$VERSION_all.deb
CentOS: sudo rpm -i lat-$VERSION-1.noarch.rpm
2. Setup Java
If the default system Java is version 17 or greater, no action is required. If not, edit the service file to contain a JAVA_HOME environment variable pointing to a Java version 17 or greater installation.
- Run: systemctl edit lat
- Insert the following
3. Configure
Modify the Source Configuration and Log4J Configuration (see Package Contents for file locations).
It is recommended to use the .conf file for most LAT configuration. However, LAT_MEMORY and LAT_MEMORY_DIRECT can only be set via environment variable. For these use the same process as setting JAVA_HOME as detailed in step 2.
4. Start/Stop
Start: systemctl start lat
Stop: systemctl stop lat
- Jar: /opt/lat/lat-$VERSION.jar
- Service File: /usr/lib/systemd/system/lat.service
- Configuration: /etc/lat/
- Server Configuration: lat.conf
- Logging Configuration: log4j2.xml
- Logs: /var/log/lat/lat.log
- LAT data directory: /opt/lat/.lat-data
1. Extract file in your preferred location
Run: tar -xzf lat-$VERSION.tar.gz
2. Setup Java
If the default system Java is version 17 or greater, no action is required. If not, set the $JAVA_HOME environment variable to a Java installation with version 17 or greater:
3. Configure
Modify the Source Configuration and Log4J Configuration (see Folder Contents for file locations).
It is recommended to use the .conf file for most LAT configuration. However, LAT_MEMORY and LAT_MEMORY_DIRECT can only be set via environment variable. For these use the same process as setting JAVA_HOME as detailed in step 2.
4. Start/Stop
Start: ./ [path], where path is an optional parameter for the path to a server configuration file (e.g., lat.conf). If path is not present, it will default to config/lat.conf.
Stop: Stop the running script with ctrl-c.
- Jar: lat-$VERSION.jar
- Configuration: config/
- Server Configuration: lat.conf
- Logging Configuration: log4j2.xml
- Start Script:
- LAT data directory: .lat-data
The LAT is a Java jar that can be deployed on any machine running Java 17+.
To run the LAT use the following command line statement:
- log4j-config-path: REQUIRED : path to the log4j configuration file
- lat-jar-path: REQUIRED : path to the LAT jar
- lat-config-path: OPTIONAL : path to a LAT service configuration file
See the Java command line documentation for options.
Option: | -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize |
Recommended: | 32G |
Example: | -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=32G |
Option: | -Xms |
Recommended: | 32G |
Example: | -Xms=32G |
Option: | -Xmx |
Recommended: | 32G |
Example: | -Xmx=32G |
Ocient provides a Docker container for the LAT for testing workloads.
The container is not recommended for production workloads and should be used for testing only.
The only mode of configuring the LAT within a Docker container is via the service configuration environment variables. A lat.conf file is not supported.
See Service Configuration for the list of supported environment variables.
It is not recommended to override the following environment variables.
Within the Docker container the LAT logs stdout. The user can use the docker logs ... command to view the LAT logs.
The following environment variables are available to modify the log level of various loggers. See Log4J Configuration for descriptions of the loggers and log levels.
Logger: | root |
Default: | debug |
Logger: | |
Default: | info |
Logger: | org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel |
Default: | debug |
Logger: | org.apache.kafka |
Default: | info |
The JAVA_OPTS environment variable is available for controlling settings. Container defaults to default JVM settings.
See the Java command line documentation for detail on the command line options.
The LAT in the docker container writes persistent data to /lat/data. It is recommended to mount a volume to this path so that the data can outlive the container instance. The Error Log File is also written to this path if configured. If viewing this error file is necessary, a volume must be used.
Do not use the LAT_DATA_PATH configuration to override the data path inside the docker container. It will cause the LAT to write data and error logs into different locations and will require two volumes.
If using the Local File Source, the user must mount the data directory as a bind mount inside the container. It is recommended to mount to a location under the /lat/ directory. When configuring the local file source the bind mount path should be configured with a file group.
By default the LAT API listens on port 8080. It is not recommended to override the LAT_API_PORT environment variable and instead use Docker’s port mapping functionality.