SQL Reference



SIMILAR TO is an extension of the LIKE operator and adds more features seen in regular expressions. % and _ remain as wildcard operators, but other supported metacharacters shown here match traditional regular expressions.



Metacharacters supported by SIMILAR TO are shown here.




Repeated wildcard, matches any characters zero or more times. Equivalent to LIKE


Wildcard, matches exactly one of any character. Equivalent to LIKE


alteration, either of two alternatives (a|b represents a or b)


repetition zero or more times


repetition one or more times


repetition zero or one times


repetition exactly m times


repetition between m and n times (inclusive)


repetition at least m times


Logical grouping


A character class, equivalent to character classes in regular expressions. Example: [a-z] is any lower case English letter.


Beginning of line anchor as well as negation in character classes


End of line anchor

SIMILAR TO also supports escaping these metacharacters with \ as well as certain escape sequences that are supported by C family languages.




The alert/bell character


The backspace character


A single \ character. Equivalent to \\


The character with the same 5 lower order bits as X with all zeros as higher order bits


The character with numeric value 27, ESC


Form feed




Carriage return


Horizontal tab


Where wxyz is 4 hexadecimal digits. Two characters, one with value numeric wx, and one with numeric value yz


Where abcdefg is 8 hexadecimal digits. 4 characters, numeric value ab, numeric value cd, numeric value ef, numeric value gh


Vertical tab


Where d is any number of hexadecimal digits. If the number of digits is odd, a 0 is added to the left of the sequence. numeric characters with values represented by every group of two symbols from d.


Null character 0


Where xy are octal digits. The character with numeric value xy.


Where xyz are octal digits. The character with numeric value xyz. If x >= 4, 2 characters are returned. Numeric value 1, and numeric value of the lower 8 bits of xyz.


Matches any digit


Matches any whitespace


Matches any alphanumeric character or _


Matches any non-digit


Matches any non-whitespace


Matches any non-alphanumeric that is also not _


The beginning of a line, equivalent to ^

\m, \M, or \y

The boundary of a word. Equivalent to \b in normal regular expressions


Any position that is not the boundary of a word.


The end of a line. Equivalent to $ in normal regular expressions


The star character


The plus character


The question mark character


  • Any \ that does not precede a metacharacter (including \), or an escape sequence in the metacharacter table will be ignored
  • Invalid expressions (unpreceded quantifiers, unclosed parentheses, etc) will result in query errors.
  • The . is not a metacharacter as it is in traditional regular expressions
  • Escapes that apply to string literals will still be applied. To match a string containing a single '\', you might need to use '\\\\'.



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