Linestring Constructors
LINESTRING constructors use geospatial data to create a LINESTRING object.
Creates a LINESTRING from a specified CHAR. The CHAR must be a LINESTRING value in WKT format.
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
char | CHAR | A character value in WKT format to be used to create a LINESTRING. |
Output: LINESTRING(1.000000 2.000000)
Creates a LINESTRING from the specified BINARY. The BINARY value must be a LINESTRING in WKB format.
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
binary | BINARY | A binary value in WKB format to be used to create a LINESTRING. |
Output: LINESTRING(1 2,3 4)
Creates a LINESTRING from the specified CHAR.
The CHAR value must be a LINESTRING in EWKT format.
ST_LINEFROMEWKT is functionally the same as ST_LINESTRING(CHAR).
The input string must include an SRID=…; value. However, the database ignores this component as all geography types are SRID 4326.
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
char | CHAR | A LINESTRING value in WKT format to be used to create a LINESTRING. To function properly, you must prefix this argument with an SRID value in the same string. |
value | INTEGER | Any integer value. This is required, however the database ignores this component and defaults to SRID 4326. |
Output: LINESTRING(1.000000 2.000000)
Creates a LINESTRING represented by the specified GeoJSON. The specified GeoJSON can represent a GeoJSON POINT or LINESTRING type.
Valid GeoJSON formats follow IETF standards, and you can generate them by using ST_ASGEOJSON. If you specify an invalid GeoJSON, the behavior of the function is undefined.
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
geojson | CHAR | A GeoJSON value that represents a POINT or LINESTRING type that is used to create a LINESTRING. If geojson is NULL, the function returns NULL. |
geodesic | BOOLEAN | Optional. A BOOLEAN value that determines if the specified geojson should be converted from a planar to a geodesic representation. If you specify geodesic as TRUE, the function adds points to the resulting LINESTRING such that it remains within 10 meters of the original planar line. If unspecified, geodesic defaults to FALSE. If geodesic is NULL, the function returns NULL. |
In this example, the function converts an empty GeoJSON value of a LINESTRING.
In this example, the function converts a GeoJSON value of a LINESTRING.
Output: LINESTRING(1 1, 1 5, 5 5, 5 1)
Alias for ST_MAKELINE.
Creates a LINESTRING based on the specified inputs.
Creates a LINESTRING from the specified array of either LINESTRING or POINT values.
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
geo_array | ARRAY of geographies, either LINESTRING or POINT values. | An array of LINESTRING or POINT values to be used to create a unified LINESTRING. |
Output: LINESTRING(1.000000 2.000000, 3.000000 4.000000)
Creates a LINESTRING from the specified BINARY. The BINARY value must be a LINESTRING in WKB format.
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
binary | BINARY | A BINARY value to be used to create a LINESTRING. The BINARY value must be a LINESTRING in WKB format. |
Output: LINESTRING(1 2,3 4)
Creates a LINESTRING from the specified CHAR. The CHAR value must be a LINESTRING in WKT format.
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
char | CHAR | A CHAR value to be used to create a LINESTRING. The argument must be a LINESTRING in WKT format. |
Output: LINESTRING(1.000000 2.000000)
Creates a LINESTRING consisting of two separate geographic arguments, both of which must be either a POINT or LINESTRING. You can mix geographic types, meaning one argument can be a POINT while the other is a LINESTRING.
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
geo1, geo2 | POINT or LINESTRING | Two separate geographic arguments to be consolidated into a single LINESTRING. Inputs can be the same type or one of each. |
Output: LINESTRING(1.000000 2.000000, 1.000000 3.000000)
Alias for ST_LINESTRING(geo1, geo2).
Alias for ST_LINESTRING(char).
Alias for ST_LINESTRING(geoArray).