Version Compatibility
Before upgrading the to another version, please refer to this table.
Version | Compatibility Issue | Description |
23.0 | Geospatial Types | Geospatial segments (LINESTRING, POLYGON) loaded in version 23.0 are not backwards compatible. |
22.0 | Information Schema | Views created prior to version 22.0 do not have any column metadata. You must drop and recreate the views to populate the column metadata. |
22.0 | Machine Learning Models | Models created prior to version 22.0 do not have a schema. The system automatically assigns the schema pre_v22_mlmodel to the models when you upgrade to version 22.0. |
This table describes the recommended versions of the JDBC driver for each Ocient system release.
Ocient System Version | Recommended JDBC Version |
23.1 or later | 3.1.7 |
23.0 | 3.0 |
Ocient versions 22.0 and earlier may experience tail latency after submitting FETCH_DATA requests using JDBC driver version 3.0.0.
To reduce this latency, upgrade to Ocient version 23.0 or a later version.
This table describes the specifications for each version of the JDBC API and if it is supported as of the latest Ocient JDBC driver.
JDBC API Version | Requirement | Support as of JDBC 2.93 |
4.3 | Enhanced DatabaseMetaData to determine if Sharding is supported | Supported |
4.3 | Added the method drivers to DriverManager to return a Stream of the currently loaded and available JDBC drivers | Supported |
4.3 | Added support to Statement for enquoting literals and simple identifiers | Supported |
4.3 | Clarified the SE version that methods were deprecated | Supported |
4.3 | Added Sharding support | Not Supported |
4.3 | Enhanced Connection to be able to provide hints to the driver that a request, an independent unit of work, is beginning or ending | Not Supported |
4.2 | Added JDBCType enum and SQLType interface | Supported |
4.2 | Added support for large update counts | Supported |
4.2 | DatabaseMetaData methods to return maximum Logical LOB size and if Ref Cursors are supported | Not Supported |
4.2 | Support for REF CURSORS in CallableStatement | Not Supported |
4.1 | Allow Connection, ResultSet and Statement objects to be used with the try-with-resources statement | Supported |
4.1 | Support added to CallableStatement and ResultSet to specify the Java type to convert to via the getObject method | Supported |
4.1 | Added support to Connection to specify a database schema, abort and timeout a physical connection. | Supported |
4.1 | DatabaseMetaData methods to return PseudoColumns and if a generated key is always returned | Not Supported |
4.1 | Added support to close a Statement object when its dependent objects have been closed | Not Supported |
4.1 | Support for obtaining the parent logger for a Driver, DataSource, ConnectionPoolDataSource and XADataSource | Not Supported |
4.0 | auto java.sql.Driver discovery -- no longer need to load a java.sql.Driver class via Class.forName | Not Supported |
4.0 | National Character Set support added | Not Supported |
4.0 | Support added for the SQL:2003 XML data type | Not Supported |
4.0 | SQLException enhancements -- Added support for cause chaining; New SQLExceptions added for common SQLState class value codes | Not Supported |
4.0 | Enhanced Blob/Clob functionality -- Support provided to create and free a Blob/Clob instance as well as additional methods added to improve accessibility | Not Supported |
4.0 | Support added for accessing a SQL ROWID | Not Supported |
4.0 | Support added to allow a JDBC application to access an instance of a JDBC resource that has been wrapped by a vendor, usually in an application server or connection pooling environment. | Not Supported |
4.0 | Availability to be notified when a PreparedStatement that is associated with a PooledConnection has been closed or the driver determines is invalid | Not Supported |
3.0 | Pooled statements -- reuse of statements associated with a pooled connection | Supported |
3.0 | Savepoints -- allow a transaction to be rolled back to a designated savepoint | Not Supported |
3.0 | Properties defined for ConnectionPoolDataSource -- specify how connections are to be pooled | Not Supported |
3.0 | Metadata for parameters of a PreparedStatement object | Not Supported |
3.0 | Ability to retrieve values from automatically generated columns | Not Supported |
3.0 | Ability to have multiple ResultSet objects returned from CallableStatement objects open at the same time | Not Supported |
3.0 | Ability to identify parameters to CallableStatement objects by name as well as by index | Not Supported |
3.0 | ResultSet holdability -- ability to specify whether cursors should be held open or closed at the end of a transaction | Not Supported |
3.0 | Ability to retrieve and update the SQL structured type instance that a Ref object references | Not Supported |
3.0 | Ability to programmatically update BLOB, CLOB, ARRAY, and REF values. | Not Supported |
3.0 | Addition of the java.sql.Types.DATALINK data type -- allows JDBC drivers access to objects stored outside a data source | Not Supported |
3.0 | Addition of metadata for retrieving SQL type hierarchies | Not Supported |
2.1 | Scrollable result sets--using new methods in the ResultSet interface that allow the cursor to be moved to a particular row or to a position relative to its current position | Not Supported |
2.1 | Batch updates | Not Supported |
2.1 | Programmatic updates--using ResultSet updater methods | Not Supported |
2.1 | New data types--interfaces mapping the SQL3 data types | Not Supported |
2.1 | Custom mapping of user-defined types (UDTs) | Not Supported |
2.1 | Miscellaneous features, including performance hints, the use of character streams, full precision for java.math.BigDecimal values, additional security, and support for time zones in date, time, and timestamp values. | Not Supported |
2.0 | Pooled connections -- allowing connections to be used and reused | Supported |
2.0 | Distributed transactions -- allowing a transaction to span diverse DBMS servers | Supported |
2.0 | The DataSource interface as a means of making a connection. The is used for registering a DataSource object with a naming service and also for retrieving it. | Not Supported |
2.0 | RowSet technology -- providing a convenient means of handling and passing data | Not Supported |
This table describes the recommended Ocient Loading and Transformation (LAT) versions for each Ocient System release.
Ocient System Version | Minimum Version | Recommended Version |
23.0 | 3.0 | 3.1 |
LAT Version 3.0.0 and greater is only compatible with Version 22.0 and greater of the Ocient system due to a change in the calculations of empty bounding boxes on geospatial data types.