SQL Client Reference
JDBC Manual

Supported JDBC Classes and Methods

The following Classes and Methods are supported by the JDBC Driver for use in Java programs.

Java Class / Interface

Unsupported Methods or Comments


There are no unsupported methods.

Get a connection with getConnection().

getConnection(String, Properties)

The string is a URL and must be of the form:


Properties is a Properties object with the supported properties "user" and "password" (required), and "force", "loglevel", and "logfile" (optional). The meanings of these properties is described under the CONNECT CLI command. Any properties specified on the URL will be added to the properties object passed to getConnection(). If a property exists in both places, the value on the URL will take precedence.


createArrayOf() createBlob() createClob() createNClob() createSQLXML() createStruct() prepareCall() releaseSavepoint() rollback() setNetworkTimeout() setSavepoint() unwrap()


addBatch() clearBatch() closeOnCompletion() executeBatch() getGeneratedKeys() getMoreResults() setCursorName() setEscapeProcessing() setMaxFieldSize() setPoolable() unwrap()


getParameterMetaData() setArray() setAsciiStream() setBinaryStream() setBlob() setCharacterStream() setClob() setNCharacterStream() setNClob() setNString() setRef() setRowId() setSQLXML() setUnicodeStream() setURL()


absolute() afterLast() beforeFirst() cancelRowUpdates() deleteRow() first() getAsciiStream() getBinaryStream() getBlob() getCharacterStream() getClob() getCursorName() getNCharacterStream() getNClob() getNString() getRef() getRowId() getSQLXML() getUnicodeStream() getURL() insertRow() isLast() last() moveToCurrentRow() moveToInsertRow() previous() refreshRow() relative() unwrap() updateArray() updateAsciiStream() updateBigDecimal() updateBinaryStream() updateBlob() updateBoolean() updateByte() updateBytes() updateCharacterStream() updateClob() updateDate() updateDouble() updateFloat() updateInt() updateLong() updateNCharacterStream() updateNClob() updateNString() updateNull() updateObject() updateRef() updateRow() updateRowId() updateShort() updateSQLXML() updateString() updateTime() updateTimestamp()



