Array Functions and Operators
Expands each element in an input array into an individual row.
For example, using the UNNEST function on an array column of type ARRAY(INT) with values [2, 6] yields two result rows with integers 2 and 6.
The values of the other columns in each input row are unchanged in each corresponding output row. You can specify multiple array columns to unnest the specified arrays from each row in parallel.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
array_column | ARRAY | The geospatial object used to calculate the dimensions. |
<unnest_options> | CHAR | UNNEST supports these optional arguments:
These examples demonstrate how the UNNEST function operates on arrays and other objects. Most of the examples use the data rows from this table.
This example performs a simple UNNEST on column b.
In this example, the ORDINALITY option adds a second return column that represents the index position of the value in the input array.
In this example, the UNNEST query returns only one row because one of the two rows in column d is an empty array.
If you use the NULL_INPUT option, the query returns a second row with the NULL value.
UNNEST also does not return array values that are NULL unless you specify the NULL_INPUT option.
The UNNEST function expands only one array layer.
The empty array remains in the return values.
Multiple UNNEST commands in a query produce a per-row Cartesian product of all the unnested values.
This example uses UNNEST on the same columns, but in reverse order.
In this example, the query unnests two array columns in parallel. Even though it does not include the NULL_INPUT option, the query still returns NULL for column c to correspond with column b.
This query unnests two array columns.
This example has two layers of UNNEST to capture values of arrays within arrays.
This example unnests an empty integer array.
The query returns a column of type INT, but no rows.
This example selects the non-array column a and an empty array column. The query returns no rows because empty or NULL array values are not returned unless you specify the NULL_INPUT option.
This query does not include the NULL_INPUT option, which causes the result to omit the NULL array values in column e.
This query includes the NULL_INPUT option, which means that the query returns the NULL values in column e.
This example attempts to unnest two arrays, one of which is cast as NULL, while the other is empty.
In both cases, the query returns a column of type INTEGER with no rows because there are no values to unnest.
Function | Syntax | Purpose |
Constructor | TYPE[](e1, e2, …, en) | Construct an array of SQL type TYPE giving the elements. NULL is also supported as an element. |
Constructor (2) | array[e1, e2, …, en] | |
array concatenation | array_cat(array, array) | Concatenate 2 arrays into a new one |
array length | array_length(array) | Return the number of elements of a given array |
array softmax | softmax(array) | Returns the softmax of the array. The array must be 1-dimensional and contain float or double values. The system transfers NULL-valued indices as 0.0. |
array cross entropy loss | cross_entropy_loss(array, array) | Returns the cross entropy loss of two arrays. Both arrays must be 1-dimensional and contain float or double values. NULL values do not contribute to the sum. |
array log loss | log_loss(array, array) | Returns the log loss of two arrays. Both arrays must be 1-dimensional and contain float or double values. NULL values do not contribute to the sum. |
array logits loss | logits_loss(array, array) | Returns the logits loss of two arrays. Both arrays must be 1-dimensional and contain float or double values. NULL values do not contribute to the sum. |
array hinge loss | hinge_loss(array, array) | Returns the hinge loss of two arrays. Both arrays must be 1-dimensional and contain float or double values. NULL values do not contribute to the sum. |
array sum | array_sum(array) | Returns the sum of the array. The array must be 1-dimensional and contain numeric values. NULL values do not contribute to the sum. |
array min/max | array_min(array), array_max(array) | Returns the corresponding minimum or maximum of the array. This function only considers the first dimension of the array. If the array contains only NULL values, then the function returns NULL. |
array argmin/argmax | array_argmin(array), array_argmax(array) | Returns the corresponding argmin or argmax of the array as a BIGINT index. This function only considers the first dimension of the array. If the array contains only NULL values, then the function returns NULL. |
array casting | cast_to_array(array, format) | Casts the elements of the array to another type, as given by the format string. The format is: 'ARRAY(INT)' for a int array, 'ARRAY(CHAR)' for char array, and so on. Currently only numeric casts are supported. |
scalar position | array_position(array, scalar, pos = 1 ) | Returns the position of the first matching scalar in the array. pos indicates the position to start searching, if not specified it defaults to 1. |
array elements positions | array_positions(array, array ) | Same as array_position(). But this looks for all elements stored in the right array, and return their respective positions in the left array. |
array append | array_append(array, value) | Add value to the back of an array |
array prepend | array_prepend(value, array) | Add value to the front of an array |
array remove | array_remove(array, value) | remove value from the array |
array replace | array_replace(array, old_value, new_value) | replace value by another in an array |
convert array to string | char(array) | Converts array to its string representation. |
convert array to string | array_to_string(array, delimiter [, nullstr]) | Converts array to a list of elements seperated by 'delimiter'. Nested arrays are flattened. NULL values are either ignored, or replaced by nullstr if provided. |
convert string to array | string_to_array(str, format) | Converts the string representation of an array (e.g., 'int[1,2,NULL]') into an array. The format string is the same as in cast_to_array. |
Function | SQL statement | Result |
type constructor | int[](1,2) | int array with values 1 and 2 |
constructor with no type | array[1,2] | bigint array with values 1 and 2 |
array_cat | array_cat(array[2, 3], array[4, 5]) | array[2, 3, 4, 5] |
array_length | array_length(array[2, 3]) | 2 |
cast_to_array | cast_to_array(array[2.5, 3.4], 'ARRAY(INT)') | int[](2,3) |
array_position | array_position(array[1, 2, 1], 1) | 1 |
| array_position(array[1, 2, 3, 4, 1], 1, 3) | 5 |
array_positions | array_positions(array[1, 2, 3, 4, 1], 1) | int[](1,5) |
array_append | array_append(array[1,2], 3) | array[1,2,3] |
array_prepend | array_prepend(0, array[1,2]) | array[0,1,2] |
array_remove | array_remove(array[1,2], 1) | array[2] |
array_replace | array_replace(array[1,2,4],4,3) | array[1,2,3] |
softmax | softmax(float[](2.0, 2.0, 2.0, NULL, 2.0)) | float[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.0, 0.25] |
array_sum | array_sum(int[](1, 2, 3)) | 6 |
array_min | array_min(int[](1, -2, 3)) | -2 |
array_argmax | array_argmax(int[](1, 3, 2)) | 1 |
char(<array value>) | char(array[1,2]) | 'bigint[1,2]' |
array_to_string | array_to_string(int[1,2,3,NULL,5], ',', '*') | '1,2,3,*,5' |
string_to_array | string_to_array('int[1,2]', 'ARRAY(INT)') | int[](1,2) |
Operator | Syntax | Purpose |
contains scalar | array @> scalar | Tell whether the array contains the scalar. |
contains elements | array @> array | Tell whether the left array contains all elements from right array. |
scalar is contained by | scalar <@ array | Tell whether the array contains the scalar. |
array is contained by | array <@ array | Tell whether the right array contains all elements from left. |
overlap | array && array | Tell whether any of the elements between the arrays are common. |
access operator | array[element_index] | Returns the element stored in the given index position. Index starts at 1. Access out of bounds returns a NULL. |
slice operator | array[left_index:right_index] | Returns the subarray ranging from left_index to right_index inclusive. Index starts at 1. |
About the Array Slice Operator
- Each index starts at 1.
- If the array or either index value is NULL, the result of slicing is NULL.
- If you exclude the left index, it is equivalent to using 1. If you exclude the right index, it is equivalent to len(array). If you exclude both, it returns the full array.
- Values below zero for the left index convert to 1 and values beyond the array length for the right index convert to len(array). arrayVal[-1:4] is equivalent to arrayVal[1:4], and int[](1, 2, 3)[1:6] is equivalent to int[](1, 2, 3)[1:3].
- Ranges completely out of array bounds return an empty array. array[1, 2][4:5] = array[]
- Sequential slices slice each dimension of multidimensional arrays. array[array[1, 2, 3], array[4, 5, 6]][1:1][2:3] = array[array[2,3]]
- More than N sequential slices of an N-dimensional array, for example, three sequential slices on a two-dimensional array return an empty array. array[1, 2, 3][:][:] = []
- When slicing multidimensional arrays, you cannot combine slicing with the access operator. Any access operator [n] converts to [:n]. arrayVal[4][1:6] = arrayVal[:4][1:6]
- Slicing an array of tuples such as tuple<<int,int>>[tuple<<int,int>>(1,2),tuple<<int,int>>(3,4)][1:1][2:3] slices [1:1] on the array and [2:3] on the tuple elements within the sliced array, and returns the value tuple<<int>>[tuple<<int>>(2)].
Operator | SQL Predicate | Result |
Contains | array[1, 4, 3] @> array[3, 1] | True |
| array[1, 4, 3] @> array[3, 1, 3] | True |
| array[3, 1, 3] @> 1 | True |
Is contained by | array[2, 5] <@ array[2, 5, 3, 7, 9] | True |
| array[2, 2, 5] <@ array[2, 5, 3, 7, 9] | True |
| 1 <@ array[2, 5, 1] | True |
Overlap | array[1 ,2, 3] && array[1 ,6, 4] | True |
Multidimensional arrays are supported. As seen in these examples, each dimension, or length, at each level does not have to be the same. NULL values are allowed at each dimension of an array.
Multidimensional Examples
Function | SQL statement | Result |
type constructor two-dimensional | int[][](int[](1, NULL), array[1]) | two-dimensional INT array with values [1, NULL] and [1] |
constructor with no type two-dimensional | array[int[](1), array[int(2)]] | two-dimensional INT array with values [1] and [2] |
two-dimensional array with NULL values | array[array[1, NULL], NULL] | two-dimensional BIGINT array with values [1, NULL] and NULL |
two-dimensional array with different lengths | array[array[1], array[1,2], array[1,2,3]] | two-dimensional BIGINT array with values [1], [1,2], and [1,2,3] |
Data Types
Query Ocient