Character / Binary Functions
All string functions support Unicode characters. Functions that transform character case are locale-sensitive.
These functions support the UTF-8 format:
Index position values for character and string functions begin at position 1. For example, the "H" in the string "Hello" is at position 1.
Returns the ASCII code value of the leftmost character of the character value.
The ASCII function only supports ASCII characters in the input argument.
Output: 97
Output: 98
Returns the length of the character value in bits.
Output: 8
Output: 16
Output: 24
Alias for TRIM.
Converts an integer value to a string.
The value is first sign-extended to 8 bytes. Then, if it can be represented as 1 byte, a string is returned with that one byte.
Otherwise, a string is returned of length 2 bytes, 4 bytes, or 8 bytes with the bytes set to the big-endian representation of the integer, depending on how many high order zero bytes there are in the integer.
Output: a
Alias for LENGTH.
Alias for LENGTH.
Concatenates two values, which must both be either binary, hash, or string data types.
For strings, as long as one argument is a character value, the other argument is implicitly cast to a character value.
This function is equivalent to the || operator.
Arguments | Data Type | Description |
value1 | BINARY, HASH or CHAR | A value to concatenate with value2. If one argument is a character value, the other is also cast to a string. |
value2 | BINARY, HASH or CHAR | A value to concatenate with value1. If one argument is a character value, the other is also cast to a string. |
Output: ocient data warehouse
Output: ocient data warehouse
Returns true if x ends with y and false otherwise.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
char1 | CHAR | A string to evaluate for whether it ends with char2. |
char2 | CHAR | A string to evaluate for whether char1 ends with it as a substring. |
Output: true
Output: false
Output: true
For each word in the provided string, capitalize the first character if it is alphabetic. Words are defined as alphanumeric strings separated by non-alphanumeric characters. All other alphabetic characters are made lowercase.
Output: Ocient
Returns the index position of the first occurrence where the character value char_substring appears in the character value char by ignoring case.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
char | CHAR | A string to evaluate for the first index position where char_substring appears. |
char_substring | CHAR | A string to evaluate for where it first appears in char. |
Output: 1
Output: 8
Alias for LOWER.
Return the number of characters in the string equal of the value integer. If integer is negative, the function returns all but the last integer characters.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
char | CHAR | A string to be modified by returning the number of characters equal to integer. |
integer | INT | The number of characters to return from the char string. If integer is negative, the function returns all but the last integer characters. |
Output: ocient d
Output: ocient data wareho
Returns the length of the value. For character data types, this value is in terms of characters. For binary data types, this value is in terms of bytes.
Output: 21
Alias for POSITION.
Returns the index position of the first occurrence of the character value substring in the character value string.
Optionally, you can also include an additional value offset to offset the LOCATE function by the specified number of spaces.
Index positions begin at 1.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
substring | CHAR | A substring to be found for its first position in string. |
string | CHAR | A string to be evaluated for the first position of substring. |
offset | INT | Optional. A number of index positions in string to offset the search for the substring value. This index position must be a positive integer, and it starts from the left of string. |
Output: 13
Output: 4
In this example, the index starts at position 5. This means the function skips the initial "e" in the string. Instead, it returns the second e at index position 15.
Output: 15
Alias for LCASE.
Convert string to lowercase.
Output: ocient
Output: ocient
Pad the input text to the specified length with the pad string on the left side. If text is longer than length, it is truncated to length characters. If the argument pad is not provided, the space character is used.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
string | CHAR | A string to be padded on its left side with additional characters, so that it equals the length value. |
length | INT | The number of characters for string to total. If the string is already longer than length, the function truncates string to equal the length value. |
pad_character | CHAR | Optional. A string of one or more characters to use to pad string in order to equal the length value. If not provided, pad_character uses a whitespace character to pad. |
Output: ababababaocient data warehouse
Output: ocient
Removes leading blanks from the string value string.
Alternatively, you can specify a second string value trim_character. If you specify the trim_character value, the LTRIM function removes all leading instances of the trim_character value from the string.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
string | CHAR | A string to be trimmed on its left side. |
trim_character | CHAR | Optional. A string of one or more characters to be trimmed from the left side of string. Each character is trimmed individually, not as a cohesive substring. If you do not specify this argument, this value defaults to removing all whitespace from the left side of string. |
Output: ocient
Output: ocient
In this example, all characters "abeo " are removed from the left side of the string.
Output: cient
Returns the hexadecimal string (all lowercase) representing the md5 hash of char.
Output: 438f03cf6e9ddf8793e02db25f2d2f88
Alias for SUBSTRING.
Returns the length in bytes of a character or binary value.
Output: 1
Output: 6
Alias for LOCATE.
Searches a string for all occurrences of a regular expression pattern. The function returns an integer representing the number of times the regular expression pattern occurs in the string.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
string | CHAR | The string to search, specified as a character string. |
pattern | CHAR | The regular expression pattern to use in the search, specified as a character string. |
position | INT | Optional. The position, specified as a positive integer, that represents the position within the string string where to begin the search, based on the number of characters. If this integer exceeds the number of characters in string, then the function returns 0. The default value is 1. |
parameters | CHAR | Optional. Parameters, specified as a character string, that contains one or more characters representing regular expression options for pattern matching. Supported options are: c — Perform case-sensitive matching. The Ocient System enables this type of matching by default. i — Perform case-insensitive matching. p — Interpret the pattern using the Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) dialect. For details, see PCRE. The Ocient System enables this interpretation by default. |
This example searches the 'ABABDaSGRESaB' string for the count of occurrences of the 'AB' string by ignoring the case sensitivity. The search starts at position 1.
Output: 3
Searches a string using a regular expression pattern and returns an integer representing the start position or end position of the substring that matches.
The function returns 0 if no match is found.
The REGEXP_INSTR function is similar to the POSITION function, but it allows greater precision with regular expressions.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
string | CHAR | The string to search, specified as a character string. |
pattern | CHAR | The regular expression pattern to use in the search, specified as a character string. |
position | INT | Optional. A positive integer that represents the position within the string string where to begin the search, based on the number of characters. This value alters only the start position for the match, not the returned string position. If this integer exceeds the number of characters in string, then the function returns 0. The default value is 1. |
occurrence | INT | Optional. A positive integer that represents the occurrence of a positive pattern match to return. The default value is 1, which means the function returns the first substring that matches the regular expression pattern. |
option | INT | Optional. An integer that specifies whether to return the position of the matching start position or the end position. Your choices are:
The function treats any nonzero integer value as 1. The default value is 0. |
parameters | CHAR | Optional. A string containing one or more characters that represents the regular expression options for pattern matching. Supported options are: c — Perform case-sensitive matching. The Ocient System enables this type of matching by default. i — Perform case-insensitive matching. e — Extract the substring using a regular expression subpattern. This subpattern is enclosed in parentheses in the regular expression. The function uses the full regular expression pattern for the match but returns only the first subpattern match. p — Interpret the pattern using the Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) dialect. For details, see PCRE. The Ocient System enables this interpretation by default. |
The query searches the website URL for the substring preceded by the # character. The function includes optional arguments to start the search at position 9 and match the first occurrence. The last specified optional argument directs the function to return the ending position of the matching substring.
Output: 57
Searches a string for all occurrences of a regular expression pattern. The function replaces every match occurrence of the pattern with a new string.
The REGEXP_REPLACE function is similar to the REPLACE and TRANSLATE functions, but it allows greater precision with regular expressions.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
string | CHAR | The string to search, specified as a character string. |
pattern | CHAR | The regular expression pattern to use in the search, specified as a character string. |
replace_string | CHAR | Optional. A string to replace all occurrences of the regular expression pattern in string. The default value is an empty string ''. |
position | INT | Optional. A positive integer that represents the position within the string to begin the search, based on the number of characters. If this integer exceeds the number of characters in string, then the function returns the original string. The default value is 1. |
parameters | CHAR | Optional. A string containing one or more characters representing regular expression options for pattern matching. Supported options are: c — Perform case-sensitive matching. The Ocient System enables this type of matching by default. i — Perform case-insensitive matching. p — Interpret the pattern using the Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) dialect. For details, see PCRE. The Ocient System enables this interpretation by default. |
The query replaces the matching substring '#J28jB' with the characters '#0FqD_'. The search begins at position 9.
Returns one substring from a string that matches a specified regular expression pattern.
REGEXP_SUBSTR is similar to the SUBSTR function, but it allows greater precision with regular expressions.
If the pattern produces no matches, the function returns an empty string.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
string | CHAR | The string to search, specified as a character string. |
pattern | CHAR | The regular expression pattern to use in the search, specified as a character string. |
position | INT | Optional. A positive integer that represents the position within the string to begin the search, based on the number of characters. If this integer is greater than the number of characters in string, then the function returns the original string. The default value is 1. |
occurrence | INT | Optional. A positive integer that represents the occurrence of a positive pattern match to return. If this value exceeds the number of matches, then the function returns NULL. The default value is 1, which means the function returns the first substring that matches the regular expression pattern. |
parameters | CHAR | Optional. A string containing one or more characters representing regular expression options for pattern matching. Supported options are: c — Perform case-sensitive matching. The Ocient System enables this type of matching by default. i — Perform case-insensitive matching. e — Extract the substring using a regular expression subpattern. This subpattern is enclosed in parentheses in the regular expression. The function uses the full regular expression pattern for the match, but it returns only the first subpattern match. If there is no subexpression in the pattern argument, then the e parameter is ignored. p — Interpret the pattern using the Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) dialect. For details, see PCRE. The Ocient System enables this interpretation by default. |
The query returns the first occurrence of the #J28jB string by using the regular expression pattern '#\w+'. The search starts at position 9.
Output: #J28jB
Repeats the character value char a number of times equal to num.
Output: aaaaa
Replaces all occurrences of substr_to_remove in the character value string with substr_to_replace.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
string | CHAR | A string to be altered by replacing all instances of substr_to_remove with substr_to_replace. |
substr_to_remove | CHAR | A substring to remove from string, replacing all instances with the substr_to_replace value. If substr_to_remove is the empty string, string will be returned, including NULL values. |
substr_to_replace | CHAR | A substring to replace all instances of substr_to_remove. |
Output: $c$c$c$c
Reverse the input string.
Output: dcba
Return the number of trailing characters in the string equal to the value integer.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
char | CHAR | A string to be evaluated to return the number of trailing characters equal to integer. |
integer | INT | The number of characters of return from the end of the char string. If integer is negative, the function returns all but the first integer characters. |
Output: arehouse
Output: ent data warehouse
Pad the input text to the specified length with the pad string on the right side. If text is longer than length, it is truncated to length characters. If the argument pad is not provided, the space character is used.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
string | CHAR | A string to be padded on its right side with additional characters, so that it equals the length value. |
length | INT | The number of characters for string to total. If the string is already longer than length, the function truncates string to equal the length value. |
pad_character | CHAR | Optional. A string of one or more characters to use to pad string in order to equal the length value. If not provided, pad_character uses a whitespace character to pad. |
Output: ocient data warehouse
Output: ocient data warehouseababababa
Returns the substring from the right side of a string, based on a specified length.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
string | CHAR | A string to be evaluated to return a substring, based on the integer value. |
integer | INT | The number of characters to return from the right side of the string value. This value must be positive. |
Output: data warehouse
Removes trailing blanks from the string value string.
Alternatively, you can specify a second string value trim_character. If you specify the trim_character value, the RTRIM function removes all trailing instances of the trim_character value from the string.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
string | CHAR | A string to be trimmed on its right side. |
trim_character | CHAR | Optional. A string of one or more characters to be trimmed from the right side of string. Each character is trimmed individually, not as a cohesive substring. If you do not specify this argument, this value defaults to removing all whitespace from the right side of string. |
Output: ocient
Output: ocient
Returns a string of repeated spaces equal to the number value, repeat. You can join this to another string by using the CONCAT function.
Output: end
Split the value string based on the delimiter value. The function returns a substring from the split operation based on the index value (starting from 1).
Argument | Data Type | Description |
string | CHAR | A string to be split based on the delimiter value. |
delimiter | CHAR | The character to use as a delimiter in string. |
index | INT | The index of the substring to return. The first index position starts at 1. |
Output: id
Output: name
Output: address
Returns true if string starts with substring and false otherwise.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
string | CHAR | A string to search. |
substring | CHAR | A substring to find at the beginning of string. |
Output: true
Output: false
Equivalent to using LOCATE as LOCATE(substring, string). Note the reversed argument order.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
string | CHAR | A string to be evaluated for the first position of substring. |
substring | CHAR | A substring to be found for its first position in string. |
Output: 17
Alias for SUBSTRING.
Alias for SUBSTR and MID.
Returns the substring of a character or binary value that starts with the position specified by the second argument and that ends with the position specified by one less than the sum of the second and third arguments. When the sum of the second and third arguments is less than two, the function returns the empty string.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
string | CHAR | A string to be truncated based on the start_position and end_position values. |
start_position | INT | The starting position to return a substring. The first index position starts at 1. |
length | INT | Optional. The number of characters from the start_position to include in the returned substring. If unspecified, SUBSTRING returns all characters after the start_position. |
Output: data warehouse
Output: data
Converts a numeric, date, or timestamp value into a CHAR date type.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
value | DATE, TIMESTAMP, or all numeric types | A numeric, date, or timestamp value to be converted into a CHAR date type. |
format | CHAR | The format used for the CHAR conversion. For information on data type formats, see the Formatting Functions page. |
Output: 2020-06-10
Output: 13:25:14
Replaces specified characters in a provided string with a separate set of characters.
Characters specified in the char_to_remove set are replaced with characters in the char_to_replace set based on the corresponding index position.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
string | CHAR | A string to have specific characters transposed, based on the char_to_remove and char_to_replace values. |
char_to_remove | CHAR | The characters to be removed from string. Characters specified in the char_to_remove set are replaced with characters in the char_to_replace set based on the corresponding index position. If char_to_remove is longer than char_to_replace, occurrences of the extra characters are removed. |
char_to_replace | CHAR | The characters to replace the removed characters in char_to_remove. |
Output: gbhdif
Alias for BTRIM.
Trim leading and trailing blanks from the string.
Alternatively, you can specify a second string value trim_char. If a trim_char value is provided, the TRIM function removes all leading and trailing instances of the trim_char value from the string.
Argument | Data Type | Description |
string | CHAR | A string to be trimmed of leading and trailing whitespace, or any other characters specified by the trim_char argument. |
trim_char | CHAR | Optional. If specified, this removes an alternative substring from the start or end of the string value. |
Output: trimmed string
Output: trimmed string
Alias for UPPER.
Alias for UCASE.
Convert string to upper case.
Output: OCIENT