Formatting Functions
- The format string can be any combination of characters and format patterns for each function specified in the Date and Timestamp Formatting Patterns and Date and Timestamp Formatting Modifiers tables.
- Patterns can be uppercase or lowercase, but not mixed case. YYYY or yyyy matches YYYY, but not YyYy.
- Any characters in the format string that are not part of a pattern match any character in that position in TO_DATE, TO_NUMBER, and TO_TIMESTAMP.
- You can escape string literals that contain format patterns with quotes. For example: YYYY"a literal part YYYY"
Pattern | Description |
Y,YYY | 4 digit year with comma |
YYYY | 4 digit year |
YYY | Last 3 digits of a year. Values between 000-599 are assumed to be the year 2XXX and 600-999 are assumed to be the year 1XXX. |
YY | Last 2 digits of a year. Values between 00-69 are assumed to be the year 20XX and 70-99 are assumed to be 19XX. |
Y | Last digit of a year. Assumed to be year 200X. |
BC, bc, AD, or ad | An era indicator BC or AD in upper or lower case |
B.C., b.c., A.D., or a.d. | An era indicator B.C. or A.D. in upper or lower case |
CC | Century value 1-99. Is ignored unless YY, Y, IY, or I are set |
MM | Month of the year value 01-12 |
MONTH | Upper case English month name |
Month | English Month name with first letter capitalized |
month | lower case English month name |
RM | Upper case month of year in Roman numerals |
rm | Lower case month of year in Roman numerals |
MON | 3 letter upper case abbreviation of an English month name |
Mon | 3 letter abbreviation of an English month name with first letter capitalized |
mon | 3 letter lower case abbreviation of an English month name |
W | Week of month 1-5. For example: Days 15-21 are in the third week of the month. |
DD | Day of month 1-31 |
WW | Week of year 1-53 |
DDD | Day of year 1-366 |
D | Day of week 1-7 where Sunday is 1. This value is ignored outside of to_char. |
IYYY | 4 digit ISO-8601 week-numbered year. See for more details. |
IYY | Last 3 digits of an ISO-8601 week-numbered year. Values between 000-599 are assumed to be the year 2XXX and 600-999 are assumed to be the year 1XXX. |
IY | Last 2 digits of an ISO-8601 week-numbered year. Values between 00-69 are assumed to be the year 20XX and 70-99 are assumed to be 19XX. |
I | Last digit of an ISO-8601 week-numbered year. Assumed to be the year 200X. |
IDDD | Day of an ISO-8601 week-numbered year 001-371 |
IW | Week of an ISO-8601 week-numbered year 01-53 |
ID | Day of an ISO-8601 week 01-07 where Monday is 1 |
HH or HH12 | Hour of day 01-12 |
HH24 | Hour of day 0-23 |
AM, am, PM, or pm | Meridiem indicator AM or PM in upper or lower case |
A.M., a.m., P.M., or p.m. | Meridiem indicator A.M. or P.M. in upper or lower case |
SSSS | Seconds since midnight 0-86399 |
MI | Minute of hour 0-59 |
SS | Second of minute 0-59 |
MS | Milliseconds 000-999 |
US | Microseconds 000000-999999 |
NS | Nanoseconds 000000000-999999999 |
J | Julian Day (days since November 24, 4714 BC at midnight) |
The following modifiers can also be applied to a format pattern.
Modifier | Description |
FM | Has no effect on TO_DATE and TO_TIMESTAMP. Will not be considered a literal, but will not otherwise affect the behavior. |
TH | Upper case ordinal number suffix. For example: 'DDTH' |
th | Lower case ordinal number suffix. For example: 'DDth' |
FX | Global prefix. By default, TO_DATE and TO_TIMESTAMP collapse all spaces to a single space. If FX is specified, spaces are not collapses. FX must be at the beginning of the format string to be applied. For example: 'FX YYYY-MM-DD' |
TM | Has no effect on TO_DATE and TO_TIMESTAMP. Will not be considered a literal, but will not otherwise affect the behavior. |
SP | Has no effect on TO_DATE and TO_TIMESTAMP. Will not be considered a literal, but will not otherwise affect the behavior. |
- You can use time specifiers such as HH12 in TO_DATE. Their format will be validated, but their values will not affect the resulting date.
- ISO 8601 formats for dates cannot be mixed with traditional formats for years, months, and days in TO_DATE and TO_TIMESTAMP
- Values for MS, US, and NS are scaled up if they do not have leading zeros. TO_TIMESTAMP('0.3', 'S.NS') corresponds to 300000000 NS and TO_TIMESTAMP('0.000000003', 'S.NS') corresponds to 3 NS.
- Conflicting information for the same pattern will cause an exception. ex: TO_DATE('05 31', 'DD DD')
- Conflicting information across different patterns such as DD and DDD will generally give precedence to the pattern that appears higher in the table.
Converts a character value with the given format to a TIMESTAMP type.
Arguments | Data Type | Description |
character_value | CHAR | A string of a value to be converted to a TIMESTAMP type. The string must match the provided character_format. |
character_format | CHAR | The format pattern to be used to convert the character_value. See the Date and Timestamp Formatting Patterns section for more information about accepted pattern values. |
Output: 2022-12-01 00:00:00.000
Output: 2023-02-28 13:43:20.000
Converts a character value with the specified format to a DATE type.
Arguments | Data Type | Description |
character_value | CHAR | A string of a value to be converted to a DATE type. The string must match the provided character_format. |
character_format | CHAR | The format pattern to be used to convert the character_value. See the Date and Timestamp Formatting Patterns section for more information about accepted pattern values. |
Output: 2022-12-01
Pattern | Description |
9 | A digit. |
0 | A digit. In TO_CHAR, includes leading zeros. |
. or D | A decimal point. |
, or G | A group/thousand separator. |
PR | Negative value in braces. For example: -1 = <1> |
S or SG | A + or - sign for positive or negative, respectively. |
MI | A - sign if the number is negative. |
PL | A + sign if the number is positive. |
V | Shifts the decimal place to the by the number of digits after V in the format. Cannot be mixed with . or D. For example: TO_NUMBER('32', '9V99') => 0.32 |
RN | Roman numeral. Not supported by TO_NUMBER. |
EEEE | Exponent for scientific notation. Not supported by TO_NUMBER. |
L | Currency symbol. |
- You cannot mix PR with other sign indicators.
- Any character that does not match the corresponding group in the format string is ignored. TO_NUMBER('1&2', '999') = 12.
- If PR is present, it must be after every 0 or 9 in the format string.
- Similar to TO_DATE and TO_TIMESTAMP, the FM is not considered a literal, but will not otherwise affect the behavior of TO_NUMBER.
Converts a character value with the given format to a DECIMAL type.
Arguments | Data Type | Description |
character_value | CHAR | A string of a value to be converted to a DECIMAL type. The string must match the provided character_format. |
character_format | CHAR | The format pattern to be used to convert the character_value. See the Number Formatting Patterns section for more information about accepted pattern values. |
Output: 5230.87