Connection Driver Reference

Ocient Python Module: pyocient



module supports direct connections to the Ocient system through a command line interface (CLI) as well as Python programs that follow the Python Database API Specification 2.0. To download, install, and use the pyocient CLI, see Connect Using pyocient.

The pyocient package has these supported features and functionality.


To use the pyocient client, you should have this software with the corresponding version installed.




All Ocient versions are supported.



, or

. Use the latest version of each OS system.


Version 3.8 or later.

Module Features

The pyocient connector supports these features as of the current version.

Unicode Support


Isolation Levels

Ocient does not support transactions at this time.

Data Types

Supports all Ocient Data Types.

Security / Encryption

GCM, CBC and SSO protocols are supported.

TLS protocol is optional as a setting.

pyocient CLI

You can make a connection by invoking the pyocient module in a command-line interface with a connection string using this syntax.



For details on the parts of a connection string, see these sections.

Connect Using a DSN

Required. A Data Source Name (DSN) supplies the user credentials as well as the host, port, and database to establish a connection. This string can also include various optional parameters.



A DSN consists of these arguments.




Required. An Ocient username.


Required. The password associated with your username for connection to Ocient.


Required. The Ocient host address.

You can specify multiple hosts if they are separated by commas. The system attempts to connect to multiple hosts in order, starting with the leftmost host.

For example, host1 is the first for the connection attempt in this case: ocient://someone:somepassword@host1,host2:4051/mydb


The port number used by your host.

The default is 4050.


The name of the database for connection.

The default is system.


One or more optional parameters to use for the connection in the format parameter=value.

Supported parameters include:

tls: TLS protocol security. You can set the value to off, unverified, or on. The default is off.

force: Values are true or false . If you set this value to true, this argument forces the connection to stay on this server. The default is false.

handshake: Security handshake protocol. Supported values include cbc. By default, the system does not use cbc.

DSN Example

When you successfully connect with a DSN, your command line switches to interactive mode.


In interactive mode, you can enter SQL commands and queries directly at the command line. This example shows a simple SELECT query that you enter at the command line.


SQL Queries in the Connection String

Instead of executing queries and commands in the CLI, you can also include SQL scripts directly in your connection string.

A connection string can contain multiple queries as long as each is delineated by semicolons.

You must enclose any SQL statements in a connection string in quotes and specify the statements after the DSN portion.


This example shows a SQL query embedded in a pyocient connection string. The query processes and returns its values without launching the interactive mode.


Use Optional Named Arguments

You can add the following optional arguments to a connection string.


Named Argument Definitions

Named Argument


-o | --outfile OUTFILE

pyocient records all SQL output to a specified output file.

You must also include the file path to the output file, enclosed in quotation marks.

The Ocient system saves output values to the file after query completion.

-n | --noout

Prevent all output results.

-c | --configfile CONFIGFILE

Direct pyocient to use a configuration file.

You must include the path location and name of the configuration file, enclosed in quotation marks.


Direct pyocient not to use a configuration file.

-i | --infile INFILE

Direct pyocient to use an input file that contains SQL statements.

-l | --loglevel LOGLEVEL

Sets the logging level.

Logging level options include: CRITICAL | ERROR | WARNING | INFO | DEBUG

Defaults to CRITICAL.

For more information, see Error Monitoring.

--logfile LOGFILE

Direct pyocient to record log events in a specified log file.

You must include the path location and name of the log file, enclosed in quotation marks.

-t, --time

pyocient outputs the execution time for all queries and commands.

-f, --format

Specifies the output format for all SQL queries.

Format options include: JSON | TABLE | CSV


 Object Notation.

TABLE - A table rendered in ASCII characters.

CSV - Comma-separated values format.

Defaults to JSON .


When you use pyocient in interactive mode, the interface does not color SQL keywords.

Additional pyocient CLI Commands

When running in a CLI, pyocient recognizes these commands in addition to the SQL statements and queries.



CONNECT TO <dsn> USER <username> USING <password>;

Allows switching to a different DSN or user during an interactive session.

The DSN must be enclosed in quotation marks. Otherwise, the command follows the normal format explained in Connect Using a DSN.

You can specify the username and password either in the DSN string or with the USER and USING keywords.

SOURCE '<file>';

Executes the input statements from the specified file. The file name must be in single quotes.


Sets the output format. Format options include JSON, TABLE and CSV.

Defaults to JSON.

JSON - Javascript Object Notation.

TABLE - A table rendered in ASCII characters.

CSV - Comma-separated values format.


Quits the CLI.

Alternatively, you can exit the interface by using Ctrl + D.

pyocient API

This Python database API conforms to the Python Database API Specification 2.0, and you can use it to access the Ocient system.

You can also execute this module as a main function, in which case it acts as a primitive CLI for the database.

When you execute this module as a main function, the API takes a connection string in the DSN format. The connection string can also include one or more query strings that execute. For information on using a DSN to connect, see Connect Using a DSN.

The API returns output in JSON format by default.

The database returns any warnings and sends them to the Python warnings module. By default, that module sends warnings to standard output, however you can change the behavior by using that module.




A connection to Ocient. This class is normally constructed by executing the module connect(), but you can also construct it directly.

You can specify connection parameters by using the dsn argument, other keyword arguments, or a mix of the two. If the system receives multiple arguments for the same parameters, the keyword arguments take precedence and override the dsn value.

Definitions for the connection parameters are listed in Connect Using a DSN section. Other parameters are:

  • configfile: The name of a configuration file in .ini format, where each section either uses default connection settings, or a pattern that matches the host or database. Sections are matched in order, so highly detailed sections should precede less detailed sections.
  • session : A string of an SSO security token.

This code provides an example of an .ini configuration file.


The currently supported parameter is:

tls: The values are on, off, or unverified in the DSN. You can also set TLS by using Connection.TLS_NONE, Connection.TLS_UNVERIFIED, or Connection.TLS_ON as a keyword parameter.

Connection Object Methods


Close the connection. Any subsequent queries on the closed connection fail.


Commit any pending transaction to the database.


Return a new cursor object for this connection.




A database cursor that is able to manage a query and its returned results.

Cursors are normally created by executing cursor() on a connection, but you can also create them directly by providing a connection.

Cursor Object Methods


Close this cursor. The current result set is closed, but you can reuse the cursor for subsequent execute() calls.

execute(operation, parameters=None)

Prepare and execute a database operation (query or command).

Parameters might be provided as a mapping and are bound to variables in the operation. Variables are specified in Python extended format codes, for example: WHERE name=%(name)

executemany(operation, parameterlist)

Prepare a database operation (query or command) and then execute it against all parameter sequences or mappings found in the sequence parameterlist.

Parameters might be provided as a mapping and are bound to variables in the operation. Variables are specified in Python extended format codes, for example: WHERE name=%(name)


Fetch the next row of a query result set. The function returns a single row or None when no more data rows are available.


Fetch the next set of rows of a query result, and return a sequence of sequences as a list of tuples. The database returns an empty sequence when no more rows are available.

The number of rows to fetch per call is specified by the size parameter. If this parameter is not specified, the array size of the cursor determines the number of rows to fetch. The method tries to fetch as many rows as indicated by the size parameter. If this is not possible due to the specified number of rows not being available, the function returns fewer rows.


Fetch all (remaining) rows of a query result, and return them as a sequence of sequences (e.g., a list of tuples). Note that the array size attribute of the cursor can affect the performance of this operation.


This read and write attribute specifies the number of rows to fetch at a time with fetchmany. Defaults to 1, meaning the attribute fetches a single row at a time.

tables(schema='%', table='%')

Retrieve the database tables. By default, the database returns all tables.


Retrieve the database system tables.


Retrieve the database views.

columns(schema='%', table='%', column='%')

Retrieve the database columns.

indexes(schema='%', table='%')

Retrieve the database indexes.


Retrieve the database type information.


The fetchval() convenience method returns the first column of the first row if there are results, otherwise it returns None.

resolve_new_endpoint(new_host, new_port)

Handles mapping to a secondary interface based on the secondary interface mapping saved on this connection.


new_host[string]: the new host to be remapped new_port[int]: the new port to be remapped


[tuple(string, int)]: The actual endpoint to connect to in the format: (host, port).

redirect(new_host, new_port)

Redirects to the proper secondary interface given a new endpoint.


new_host[string]: the new host to be redirected new_port[int]: the new port to be redirected


[Connection]: A new connection.


Refresh the session associated with this connection. The server returns a new server session identifier and security token.


Used before an execute call to set memory sizes for the specified operation.

For details on usage, see the Python API documentation.

setoutputsize(size [, column])

Used before an execute call to set a column buffer size for fetches of columns with large data types, such as LONG, BLOB, etc.

For details on usage, see the Python API documentation.

Type Objects and Constructors

These constructors create objects to hold special values to comply with defined types in a database schema. When you pass these objects to the cursor methods, the module detects the proper type of the input parameter and binds it accordingly.

For details, see the Python documentation on Type Objects and Constructors.


This function constructs an object that holds a date value.


This function constructs an object that holds a time value.


This function constructs an object that holds a time stamp value.


This function constructs an object that holds a date value from the specified ticks value (number of seconds after the epoch; see the documentation of the standard Python time module for details).


This function constructs an object that holds a time value from the specified ticks value (number of seconds after the epoch; see the documentation of the standard Python time module for details).


This function constructs an object that holds a time stamp value from the specified ticks value (number of seconds after the epoch; see the documentation of the standard Python time module for details).


This function constructs an object capable of holding a binary (long) string value.


This type object describes columns in a database that are string-based (e.g., CHAR).


This type object describes (long) binary columns in a database (e.g., LONGRAWBLOB).


This type object describes numeric columns in a database.


This type object describes date and time columns in a database.

ROWID type

This type object describes the “Row ID” column in a database.



Exception that is the base class of all other error exceptions.

exception Error(reason, sql_state='58005', vendor_code=-100)


Exception that is the base class of all other warning exceptions.

exception Warning(reason='', sql_state='00000', vendor_code=0)


Exception raised for errors that are related to the database interface rather than the database itself.

exception InterfaceError(reason, sql_state='58005', vendor_code=-100)


Exception raised for errors that are related to the database.

exception DatabaseError(reason, sql_state='58005', vendor_code=-100)


Exception raised when the database encounters an internal error, e.g., the cursor is not valid anymore.

exception InternalError(reason, sql_state='58005', vendor_code=-100)


Exception raised for errors that are related to the operation of the database and not necessarily under the control of the programmer, e.g., an unexpected disconnect occurs, the data source name is not found, etc.

exception OperationalError(reason, sql_state='58005', vendor_code=-100)


Exception raised for programming errors, e.g., table not found, syntax error in the SQL statement, wrong number of parameters specified, etc.

exception ProgrammingError(reason, sql_state='58005', vendor_code=-100)


Exception raised when the relational integrity of the database is affected, e.g., a foreign key check fails.

exception IntegrityError(reason, sql_state='58005', vendor_code=-100)


Exception raised for errors that are due to problems with the processed data like division by zero, numeric value out of range, etc.

exception DataError(reason, sql_state='58005', vendor_code=-100)


Exception raised when a method or database API that is not supported by the database is used.

exception NotSupportedError(reason, sql_state='58005', vendor_code=-100)

Optional DB API Extensions


This read-only attribute should provide the current 0-based index of the cursor in the result set or None if the index cannot be determined.

You can see the index as the index of the cursor in a sequence (the result set). The next fetch operation fetches the row indexed by .rownumber in that sequence.

Connection.Error, Connection.ProgrammingError, etc.

All exception classes defined by the DB API standard should be exposed on the Connection objects as attributes (in addition to being available at module scope).

These attributes simplify error handling in multi-connection environments.


This read-only attribute returns a reference to the Connection object on which the cursor was created.

The attribute simplifies writing polymorph code in multi-connection environments.


Return self to make cursors compatible to the Python iteration protocol.

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