System Administration
Install an Ocient System
Installation Reference

Checking System Configuration Before Bootstrapping

The precheck command helps capture critical node health states and metrics before bootstrapping your


You can run the command as shown in this example. The flags included after the precheck command are optional. See Optional Flags for Command Execution for descriptions.


The command invokes a script from the command line on operating systems supported by

. The script sends output to standard output (STDOUT) and standard error (STDERR). To specify the file option, use this flag: --logfile-location <directory> where <directory> is the directory where the precheck command creates the log file. Critically, this script captures information about huge page configuration.

Optional Flags for Command Execution

Use the precheck command to run the script that checks the system configuration. You can execute the command using the optional flags shown in this table.

Flag Name






Non-empty string


Name of directory that contains the log file created from the execution of the script.

--logfile-location /user/query/logs generates a log file in the /user/query/logs directory. If this directory does not exist, the command issues a warning.


verbose or silent


Denotes the level of detail in the output. See the “Outputs” section.

--print-level verbose provides a detailed report with information about the checks that Ocient performs. --print_level silent provides the overall status from the check of the system.


metadata, lts, streamloader, sql, or unknown


Denotes the current node type. If you do not specify this setting, the script tries to infer node type based on metrics it collects.

--node-type lts runs checks with values and constraints that pertain to an lts node.


Any integer


Denotes the default timeout (in seconds) to run any command-line command in the script. In most cases, the default is enough, so you do not need to specify this setting.

--timeout 4 runs checks with a timeout of 4 seconds for each command.


Non-empty string


Path to nvme-driver-util script that the precheck script uses. The default value is the location of the script on most installations, so in most cases, you do not need to specify this setting.

--nvme-driver-util-path /opt/ocient/test_dir/ uses /opt/ocient/test_dir/ as the path to the utility script.


Not applicable


If you specify the --json flag, the command prints output in JSON format to STDOUT. If you do not specify this flag, the command prints human-readable output to STDOUT.

--json prints output in JSON format to STDOUT.

Command Output

The command has two types of output, silent or verbose, which you can specify by using the --print-level flag at the command line.


The silent value for the --print-level flag only produces a status code. The code is 0 for success, 1 for error, and 2 for warning.


The verbose value for the --print-level flag prints either human-readable output by default or output in JSON format (if you specify the --json flag). The output contains all status details.

This example shows human-readable output.


This example shows output in JSON format.


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