System Administration
System Configuration

Inspect the Current Configuration

 includes a variety of configuration settings that control how the system behaves. The vast majority of these won't change in a typical deployment. However, there is a small set more commonly changed to adjust for different workloads, hardware, and operating requirements.

Configuration is primarily done through DDL or DCL and can be inspected using the System Catalog Reference.

You can contact Ocient Support to change configuration settings that apply across the entire system or to a subset of nodes. Each Ocient node reads configuration settings during startup. Therefore, configuration changes require restarts for the new values to take effect. For details, contact Ocient Support.

Inspecting System Configuration

Administrators typically need to know the effective configuration of the system and what has been overridden.

  • Configuration Overrides — a list of the overrides applied by administrators
  • Effective Configuration — the complete list of all configuration parameters and their current values on each node

Viewing Configuration Overrides

A system catalog table is provided that lists all DDL Configuration Overrides that are applied to the Ocient system. This table includes the configuration target type as well as the scope to which it is applied.

In the event that the scope is not SYSTEM (See Advanced Configuration for CLUSTER and NODE scopes), the scope_id will indicate the cluster_id or node_id to which the configuration override applies.

Example catalog query:

The following query retrieves all config overrides applied on the system and provides a friendly node name or cluster name where an override is limited in scope:


Example Query Response


Viewing Effective Configuration Using System Table

A system catalog table is provided that lists the effective configuration of each node.

Example catalog query:

The following query retrieves the effective overrides for the SQL role on the specified node:


Example Query Response


Viewing Effective Configuration Using REST Endpoints

Administrators can also view the effective system configuration using the config endpoint, a REST interface available on each node. This will show every configuration parameter for the node and its current value. This reflects the active values and might not reflect configuration overrides applied since the last node restart.

The config endpoint is found on each node at http://<node_hostname_or_ip_address>:9090/v1/config and it returns a JSON representation of the active system configuration of the targeted node.



Example Response


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