Categorized SQL Functions List
Function Name | Category Name | Function Description |
Aggregate Functions | Returns an arbitrary, non-NULL, value from the input column. | |
Aggregate Functions | Approximate distinct count by using hyper-log-log (95% confidence interval that the value is within 4.5%). | |
APPROX_SUM | Aggregate Functions | Allows the aggregation engine to use a faster, non-deterministic, ordering to summate floating-point columns. |
AVG | Aggregate Functions | Average, or arithmetic mean, over the set. |
CORR | Aggregate Functions | Alias for CORRELATION. |
Aggregate Functions | Sample correlation. | |
Aggregate Functions | Population correlation. | |
COUNT | Aggregate Functions | Number of rows in the set. |
Aggregate Functions | Alias for COVARIANCEP. | |
Aggregate Functions | Alias for COVARIANCE. | |
Aggregate Functions | Sample covariance. | |
Aggregate Functions | Population covariance. | |
KURTOSIS | Aggregate Functions | The sample over the set. |
Aggregate Functions | The population over the set. | |
MAX | Aggregate Functions | Maximum value in the given column. |
MIN | Aggregate Functions | Minimum value in the given column. |
PRODUCT | Aggregate Functions | Product over the set. |
SKEW | Aggregate Functions | The sample over the set. |
STDDEV | Aggregate Functions | Alias for STDEV. |
Aggregate Functions | Alias for STDEVP. | |
Aggregate Functions | Alias for STDEV. | |
STDEV | Aggregate Functions | Sample standard deviation. |
STDEVP | Aggregate Functions | Population standard deviation. |
SUM | Aggregate Functions | Sum over the set. |
SWEP | Aggregate Functions | The population over the set. |
VAR_POP | Aggregate Functions | Alias for VARIANCEP. |
VAR_SAMP | Aggregate Functions | Alias for VARIANCE. |
VARIANCE | Aggregate Functions | Sample variance. |
Aggregate Functions | Population variance. | |
ARRAY[] | Array Functions | PostgreSQL®-compliant constructor. The type of the array is deduced from the elements. |
Array Functions | Add value to the back of an array. | |
Array Functions | Returns the corresponding argmax of the array as a BIGINT index. | |
Array Functions | Returns the corresponding argmin of the array as a BIGINT index. | |
Array Functions | Concatenate 2 arrays into a new one. | |
Array Functions | Return the number of elements of a given array. | |
Array Functions | Returns the corresponding maximum of the array. | |
Array Functions | Returns the corresponding minimum of the array. | |
Array Functions | Returns the position of the first matching scalar in the array. | |
Array Functions | Returns all elements stored in the right array, and return their respective positions in the left array. | |
Array Functions | Add value to the front of an array. | |
Array Functions | remove value from the array. | |
Array Functions | replace value by another in an array. | |
Array Functions | Returns the sum of the array. The array must be 1-dimensional and contain numeric values. NULL values do not contribute to the sum. | |
Array Functions | Converts array to a list of elements separated by 'delimiter'. | |
Array Functions | Casts the elements of the array to another type. | |
CHAR | Array Functions | Converts array to its string representation. |
Array Functions | Returns the cross entropy loss of two arrays. | |
Array Functions | Returns the hinge loss of two arrays. | |
LOG_LOSS | Array Functions | Returns the log loss of two arrays. |
Array Functions | Returns the logits loss of two arrays. | |
SOFTMAX | Array Functions | Returns the softmax of the array. |
Array Functions | Converts the string representation of an array (e.g 'int[1,2,NULL]') into an array. | |
TYPE[] | Array Functions | Construct an array of SQL type TYPE giving the elements. |
ASCII | Character / Binary Functions | Returns the ASCII code value of the leftmost character of the character value. |
Character / Binary Functions | Returns the length of the character value in bits. | |
BTRIM | Character / Binary Functions | Alias for TRIM. |
Character / Binary Functions | Alias for LENGTH. | |
Character / Binary Functions | Alias for LENGTH. | |
CHR | Character / Binary Functions | Converts an integer value to a string. |
CONCAT | Character / Binary Functions | Concatenates two values, which must both be either binary, hash, or string data types. This function is equivalent to the || operator. |
ENDSWITH | Character / Binary Functions | Returns true if x ends with y and false otherwise. |
INITCAP | Character / Binary Functions | For each word in the provided string, capitalize the first character if it is alphabetic. |
INSTR | Character / Binary Functions | Returns the index position of the first occurrence where the character value char_substring appears in the character value char by ignoring case. |
LCASE | Character / Binary Functions | Alias for LOWER. |
LEFT | Character / Binary Functions | Return the number of characters in the string equal of the value integer. If integer is negative, the function returns all but the last integer characters. |
LENGTH | Character / Binary Functions | For character data types, this value is in terms of characters. For binary data types, this value is in terms of bytes. |
LOCATE | Character / Binary Functions | Alias for POSITION. Returns the index position of the first occurrence of the character value substring in character value string. |
LOWER | Character / Binary Functions | Alias for LCASE. Convert string to lowercase. |
LPAD | Character / Binary Functions | Pad the input text to the specified length with the pad string on the left side. |
LTRIM | Character / Binary Functions | Removes leading blanks from the string value string. |
MD5 | Character / Binary Functions | Returns the hexadecimal string (all lowercase) representing the md5 hash of char. |
MID | Character / Binary Functions | Alias for SUBSTRING. |
Character / Binary Functions | Returns the length in bytes of a character or binary value. | |
POSITION | Character / Binary Functions | Alias for LOCATE. |
REPEAT | Character / Binary Functions | Repeats the character value char a number of times equal to num. |
REPLACE | Character / Binary Functions | Replaces all occurrences of substr_to_remove in the character value string with substr_to_replace. |
REVERSE | Character / Binary Functions | Reverse the input string. |
RIGHT | Character / Binary Functions | Return the number of trailing characters in the string equal to the value integer. |
RPAD | Character / Binary Functions | Pad the input text to the specified length with the pad string on the right side. |
Character / Binary Functions | Returns the substring from the right side of a string, based on a specified length. | |
RTRIM | Character / Binary Functions | Removes leading blanks from the string value string. |
SPACE | Character / Binary Functions | Returns a string of repeated spaces equal to the number value, repeat. |
Character / Binary Functions | Split the value string based on the delimiter value. The function returns a substring from the split operation based on the index value (starting from 1). | |
Character / Binary Functions | Returns true if string starts with substring and false otherwise. | |
STRPOS | Character / Binary Functions | Equivalent to using LOCATE as LOCATE(substring, string). Note the reversed argument order. |
SUBSTR | Character / Binary Functions | Alias for SUBSTRING. |
Character / Binary Functions | Returns the substring of a character or binary value. | |
TO_CHAR | Character / Binary Functions | Converts a numeric, date, or timestamp value into a CHAR date type. |
Character / Binary Functions | Replaces specified characters in a provided string with a separate set of characters. | |
TRIM | Character / Binary Functions | Alias for BTRIM. Trim leading and trailing blanks from the string. |
UCASE | Character / Binary Functions | Alias for UPPER. |
UPPER | Character / Binary Functions | Convert string to upper case. |
CASE | Conditional Functions | CASE operates similar to conditional scripting in other programming languages, allowing it to function like an if / then / else statement or as a switch statement. |
COALESCE | Conditional Functions | Evaluates to the first argument that is not NULL, or NULL if all arguments are NULL. |
GREATEST | Conditional Functions | Returns the largest non-NULL value of all the arguments, or NULL if all the arguments are NULL. |
IF_NULL | Conditional Functions | Alias for COALESCE. |
LEAST | Conditional Functions | Returns the smallest non-NULL value of all arguments, or NULL if all arguments are NULL. |
MURMUR3 | Conditional Functions | |
NULL_IF | Conditional Functions | Returns the NULL value if two arguments are equal; otherwise returns the first argument. |
ZN | Conditional Functions | If x is NULL, returns 0. Otherwise returns x. |
Date / Time Functions | Adds the specified number of months to the date. | |
CENTURY | Date / Time Functions | Returns the number of centuries. |
CURDATE | Date / Time Functions | Alias for CURRENT_DATE. |
Date / Time Functions | Returns the current date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. | |
Date / Time Functions | Returns the current date and time as a TIMESTAMP value (e.g., YYYY-MM-DD hh🇲🇲ss.mmm). | |
Date / Time Functions | Alias for EXTRACT. | |
Date / Time Functions | Returns the date or timestamp entered, truncated to the specified precision. | |
DATEADD | Date / Time Functions | Adds a specified number value (as a signed integer) to a specified date part of an input date value, and then returns that modified value. |
DATEDIFF | Date / Time Functions | This function returns an INT representing the difference between two date or time values, in a specified date or time unit. |
DAY | Date / Time Functions | Alias for DAY_OF_MONTH. |
Date / Time Functions | Extracts the day-of-month portion of a timestamp or date as an integer. | |
Date / Time Functions | Returns an integer, in the range of 1 to 7, that represents the day of the week. | |
Date / Time Functions | Returns an integer in the range 1 to 366 that represents the day of the year. | |
DECADE | Date / Time Functions | The decade that is the year divided by 10. |
DOW | Date / Time Functions | Alias for DAY_OF_WEEK. |
DOY | Date / Time Functions | Alias for DAY_OF_YEAR. |
EOMONTH | Date / Time Functions | Returns the last day of the timestamp or date. |
EPOCH | Date / Time Functions | The number of seconds after 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. |
EXTRACT | Date / Time Functions | Extract a component from a timestamp or date. |
HOUR | Date / Time Functions | Extracts the hour portion of a timestamp as an integer. |
ISDATE | Date / Time Functions | Returns TRUE if the input argument can be successfully cast to a date. |
ISODOW | Date / Time Functions | Extracts the day of week based on ISO 8601, which ranges from Monday (1) to Sunday (7). |
Date / Time Functions | Returns a timestamp consisting of the specified date and time. | |
Date / Time Functions | Extracts the millisecond portion of a timestamp as an integer. | |
MINUTE | Date / Time Functions | Extracts the minute portion of a timestamp or date as an integer. |
MONTH | Date / Time Functions | Extracts the month portion of a timestamp or date as an integer. |
Date / Time Functions | Returns the calendar name in English of the month for the specified date. | |
Date / Time Functions | Returns the difference between the two dates or timestamps in months as a DOUBLE. | |
MSECS | Date / Time Functions | The seconds field, including fractional parts. The function multiplies the seconds part of the value by 1,000. |
Date / Time Functions | Convert a number of nanoseconds into a timestamp equivalent to the duration after the epoch time. | |
NEXT_DAY | Date / Time Functions | Returns the closest date after a specified date that lies on a specific day of the week. |
NOW | Date / Time Functions | Alias for CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. |
QUARTER | Date / Time Functions | Returns an integer between 1 and 4 that represents the quarter of the year in which the specified date falls. |
ROUND | Date / Time Functions | Returns the specified date or timestamp, rounded to the specified precision. |
SECOND | Date / Time Functions | Extracts the seconds portion of a timestamp as an integer. |
Date / Time Functions | Convert timestamp into nanoseconds after epoch as BIGINT. | |
USECS | Date / Time Functions | The seconds part of a time value, including fractional parts, returned as an integer. The function multiplies the seconds part of the value by 1,000,000. |
WEEK | Date / Time Functions | Returns the ISO-8601 week number, as an integer, of the specified timestamp or date value. |
YEAR | Date / Time Functions | Extracts the year portion of a timestamp or date as an integer. |
TO_DATE | Formatting Functions | Converts a character value with the specified format to a DATE type. |
Formatting Functions | Converts a character value with the given format to a DECIMAL type. | |
Formatting Functions | Converts a character value with the given format to a TIMESTAMP type. | |
Geospatial Attribute Functions | Alias for ST_NDIMS or ST_NDIMENSION. Returns an INTEGER of the coordinate dimension of the specified geography. | |
Geospatial Attribute Functions | Returns an INTEGER that represents the dimension of the specified geography. | |
Geospatial Attribute Functions | Returns a string representing the geometry type of the input value. | |
Geospatial Attribute Functions | Returns TRUE if the specified geography value is empty, such as 'POLYGON EMPTY'. | |
Geospatial Attribute Functions | Returns an INTEGER representing the number of bytes in memory required to store the specified geography. | |
Geospatial Attribute Functions | Alias for ST_COORDDIM. | |
ST_NDIMS | Geospatial Attribute Functions | Alias for ST_COORDDIM. |
Geospatial Attribute Functions | Returns an INTEGER representing the number of POINT values in a specified geography. | |
Geospatial Attribute Functions | Returns an INTEGER representing the number of POINT values in a specified geography. | |
ST_SRID | Geospatial Attribute Functions | Returns the EPSG code of the spatial reference identifier (SRID) of the input geography. |
ST_X | Geospatial Attribute Functions | Returns the x value of the given POINT. |
ST_XMAX | Geospatial Attribute Functions | Returns the maximum x value of the specified geography. |
ST_XMIN | Geospatial Attribute Functions | Returns the minimum x value of the specified geography. |
ST_Y | Geospatial Attribute Functions | Returns the y value of the specified POINT. |
ST_YMAX | Geospatial Attribute Functions | Returns the maximum y value of specified geography. |
ST_YMIN | Geospatial Attribute Functions | Returns the minimum y value of specified geography. |
Geospatial Conversion Functions | Returns the well-known binary (WKB) representation of the specified geography. Alias of ST_ASWKB. | |
Geospatial Conversion Functions | Returns a string that represents geographic coordinates of a specified POINT in the specified format. | |
Geospatial Conversion Functions | Alias of ST_ASBINARY. | |
Geospatial Conversion Functions | ||
Geospatial Conversion Functions | Alias of ST_ASTEXT. | |
ST_ASWKB | Geospatial Conversion Functions | Alias of ST_ASTEXT. |
ST_ASWKT | Geospatial Conversion Functions | Alias of ST_ASWKT and ST_EWKT. Returns the WKT representation of the specified geography. |
Geospatial Conversion Functions | Returns a string that represents the geohash of the input POINT. | |
Geospatial Linestring Constructor | Adds a POINT to the given LINESTRING at the specified 0-indexed location. | |
Geospatial Linestring Constructor | Returns the endpoint of a specified LINESTRING. The returned value is a POINT. | |
Geospatial Linestring Constructor | Creates a LINESTRING from the specified CHAR. | |
Geospatial Linestring Constructor | Creates a LINESTRING represented by the specified GeoJSON. | |
Geospatial Linestring Constructor | Creates a LINESTRING from a specified CHAR. The CHAR must be a LINESTRING value in WKT format. | |
Geospatial Linestring Constructor | Creates a LINESTRING from the specified BINARY. The BINARY value must be a LINESTRING in WKB format. | |
Geospatial Linestring Constructor | Returns a POINT along a LINESTRING based off a specified fraction of its total length. | |
Geospatial Linestring Constructor | Similar to ST_LINEINTERPOLATEPOINT, this function computes a fraction based on where a specified POINT is located along the length of a specified LINESTRING. | |
Geospatial Linestring Constructor | Creates a LINESTRING based on the specified inputs. | |
Geospatial Linestring Constructor | Returns a LINESTRING that is a substring of a specified line that starts and ends at the specified fractions of its total length. | |
Geospatial Linestring Constructor | Alias for ST_LINESTRING. | |
Geospatial Linestring Constructor | Returns the POINT value at a specified index of the given LINESTRING. | |
Geospatial Linestring Constructor | Removes a POINT value at a specified index from the specified line. | |
Geospatial Linestring Constructor | Replaces a POINT value in a given LINESTRING at a specified index. The function returns the altered LINESTRING with the replaced point. | |
Geospatial Linestring Constructor | Returns the starting POINT value of the line. | |
Geospatial Point Constructors | The geographic center of mass is calculated by taking the average of all points on a three-dimensional sphere, projecting the resultant point onto the sphere, and converting it back to latitude and longitude coordinates. | |
Geospatial Point Constructors | Creates and returns a POLYGON geography with a single point, defined by the longitude and latitude specified for the function. | |
Geospatial Point Constructors | Alias for ST_POINT. | |
ST_POINT | Geospatial Point Constructors | Creates a POINT from the specified input arguments. |
Geospatial Point Constructors | Alias for ST_POINT. Creates a POINT using an EWKT-formatted CHAR as an input argument. | |
Geospatial Point Constructors | Creates a POINT represented by the specified geohash. | |
Geospatial Point Constructors | Creates a POINT represented by the specified GeoJSON value as an input argument. | |
Geospatial Point Constructors | Alias for ST_POINT(char). | |
Geospatial Point Constructors | Alias for ST_POINT(binary). | |
Geospatial Polygon Constructors | Creates a standardized polygon from an existing one. Ocient® defines standardized as the exterior being counterclockwise (CCW) and all holes being clockwise (CW) oriented. | |
Geospatial Polygon Constructors | Alias for ST_POLYGON. | |
Geospatial Polygon Constructors | Creates a POLYGON. | |
Geospatial Polygon Constructors | Creates a POLYGON using an EWKT-formatted CHAR as an input argument. Alias for the ST_POLYGON constructor. | |
Geospatial Polygon Constructors | Creates a POLYGON from the specified POINT, POINT array, LINESTRING, or POLYGON geography. | |
Geospatial Polygon Constructors | Alias for ST_POLYGON(char). | |
Geospatial Polygon Constructors | Alias for ST_POLYGON(binary). | |
Geospatial Polygon Constructors | Returns the database internal representation of the whole earth polygon. | |
ST_ANGLE | Geospatial Spatial Measurement | Calculates the angle between two lines. |
ST_AREA | Geospatial Spatial Measurement | Returns the area of the specified geospatial object in the specified unit of measurement. |
Geospatial Spatial Measurement | Returns the azimuth of the line from point1 to point2 in radians. | |
Geospatial Spatial Measurement | Returns the minimum distance between the specified arguments. | |
Geospatial Spatial Measurement | Returns the minimum distance between the specified arguments, using a spherical computation. | |
Geospatial Spatial Measurement | Returns the minimum distance between the specified arguments, using a spheroid computation. | |
Geospatial Spatial Measurement | Returns the Hausdorff distance between two geographies in a specified measurement. | |
Geospatial Spatial Measurement | Returns the length of the specified line in the specified measurement unit. | |
Geospatial Spatial Measurement | Alias for ST_LENGTH. | |
Geospatial Spatial Measurement | Returns maximum distance between the specified arguments. | |
Geospatial Spatial Measurement | Returns the length of the exterior (outer ring) of the POLYGON in the specified unit of measurement. | |
Geospatial Spatial Measurement | Alias for ST_PERIMETER. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns the diagonal LINESTRING from the minimum point to the maximum point of the bounding box that ST_ENVELOPE returns. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns a geography that contains all points where the distance from the geography is less than or equal to the specified distance. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns the two-dimensional POINT of one specified geospatial object that is closest to a second specified geospatial object. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | The convex hull is the smallest convex geometry that encloses the input geometry. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns an array containing any geospatial objects that are present in the first specified geospatial argument that are not found in the second geospatial argument. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns a POLYGON that represents the minimum bounding box for the specified geography. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns the bounding box of a specified geospatial value, which is expanded by a specified length. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns a LINESTRING that represents the exterior ring of a provided POLYGON value. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns a new geographic object with the X and Y coordinates switched using the specified argument. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Convert a geographic object into a two-dimensional geography. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns a LINESTRING representing the interior ring of the specified POLYGON, which is specified by its index. (1-indexed) | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns the intersection of all geographies in the specified array. All geographies in the array must be the same type. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns a geography that represents the point-set intersection of two geographies. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns the longest LINESTRING between two given geospatial arguments. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns a POLYGON with vertices that represent the minimum bounding box for the specified coordinates. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns the smallest circle POLYGON that contains the specified geographic object. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns an array of geographies that represents the parts of the union of the geographies in the first array that do not intersect with the union of geographies in the second array. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | When you specify two arrays of geospatial objects, this function returns an array of any intersections. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | When you specify two arrays of geospatial objects, this function returns an array of any geospatial values that do not intersect. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | When you specify two arrays of geospatial objects, this function returns one array that represents a union of all geographies in both arrays. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns the number of rings of the specified POLYGON, including both interior and exterior rings. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns the number of interior rings of the specified POLYGON. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns the number of interior rings of the specified POLYGON. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns a POINT guaranteed to intersect the specified geospatial object. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns a POINT by projecting a distance and an azimuth value from the specified starting POINT value. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns a new geospatial object with all POINT values rounded to the specified decimal precision. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns a new geospatial object with no repeated POINT values. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns a new geospatial object with the vertexes reversed. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns a geospatial object that the function modifies to have no segment longer than the specified max_segment_length in meters. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns the shortest LINESTRING between two specified geospatial arguments. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns a simplified version of the specified geography, which is either a POINT or LINESTRING. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns a POLYGON array that represents a simplified version of the specified geography, which is either a POINT, LINESTRING, or POLYGON. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns a new geography value with all POINT values rounded to the specified precisions. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Returns a geographic array that contains the parts that are not common between two geographic objects, geo1 and geo2. | |
Geospatial Spatial Operators | Performs a union of the input geography values to produce a geographic array. | |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | ||
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Returns TRUE if the first geographic argument, geo1, contains the second geographic argument, geo2. | |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Returns true if geo2 lies entirely in the interior of geo1, and does not intersect or touch the boundary or exterior points. | |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Returns TRUE if no POINT in geo1 is outside of geo2. | |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Returns TRUE if no POINT in geo2 is outside of geo1. | |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Returns TRUE if two geospatial objects meet this criteria: The intersection of the geospatial interiors is not empty. The intersection is not equal to geo1 or geo2. Neither geospatial object is a single POINT. | |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Returns true if the specified geographies have no intersection, including boundaries. Both geographic arguments can be different types. | |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Returns TRUE if the geographies are within a specified distance in meters. | |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Returns TRUE if both geographies are spatially equal. | |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Returns TRUE if the specified geographies have intersection, including boundaries. | |
ST_ISCCW | Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Alias for ST_ISPOLYGONCCW. |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Returns TRUE if an input POLYGON has an exterior that is counter-clockwise. | |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Returns TRUE if an input LINESTRING has starting and ending points that are equal. | |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Returns TRUE if an input POLYGON has an exterior that is clockwise. | |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Returns TRUE if the specified LINESTRING is closed and does not intersect itself. | |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | For LINESTRING values, this function returns FALSE if any line segments intersect anywhere besides the endpoints. For POLYGON values, the function returns FALSE if either the exterior ring or any interior hole is not simple. | |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | ||
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Returns TRUE if both geographic arguments are of the same dimension and they intersect each other, but neither contains the other. | |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Returns TRUE if the geographic object is inside a circle that is centered at the specified point coordinates and with the specified radius. | |
ST_RELATE | Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Returns the DE-9IM intersection string that represents the nature of the intersection with the specified geographies. |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Returns TRUE if the only POINT values in common between the two geographic arguments lie in the union of their boundaries. | |
Geospatial Spatial Relationships | Alias for ST_CONTAINS. | |
Geospatial Spatiotemporal Measurement | Returns the two-dimensional interpolated minimum simultaneous distance between two LINESTRING-TIMESTAMP array pairs in the specified unit of measurement. | |
Geospatial Spatiotemporal Measurement | Returns a tuple that represents the intersection of a spatiotemporal LINESTRING with a static geography. | |
Geospatial Spatiotemporal Measurement | Returns a timestamp array of all times when the specified LINESTRING value intersects the specified POINT value. | |
Geospatial Spatiotemporal Measurement | Returns a POINT within the bounds of the specified LINESTRING that corresponds to the interpolated point at the specified TIMESTAMP value. | |
Geospatial Spatiotemporal Measurement | Returns the interpolated time of the specified POINT on the specified LINESTRING that is paired with a TIMESTAMP ARRAY. | |
Geospatial Spatiotemporal Measurement | With the specified two LINESTRING-TIMESTAMP ARRAY pairs, this function returns a two-point LINESTRING that represents the maximum distance between points at a concurrent time. | |
Geospatial Spatiotemporal Measurement | Returns the two-dimensional interpolated maximum cotemporal distance between two LINESTRING-TIMESTAMP array pairs in the specified unit of measurement. | |
Geospatial Spatiotemporal Measurement | When you specify two LINESTRING-TIMESTAMP ARRAY pairs, this function returns a LINESTRING with two points that represents the minimum distance between points at a concurrent time. | |
Geospatial Spatiotemporal Measurement | Returns the total number of seconds spent in the intersection result calculated by the spatiotemporal version of ST_INTERSECTION. | |
HyperLogLog Functions | Creates an HLL sketch from the data on a specified aggregated column. Returns a HASH((2^log2k) + 8) data representation of the sketch that you can store in a separate column. | |
HyperLogLog Functions | The scalar function converts a sketch into a distinct count estimate of a sketch value. Returns the distinct count estimate as a BIGINT. | |
HyperLogLog Functions | Takes a HLL_SKETCH column or an integral log2k literal value and returns the resulting bounding 95-percent confidence interval error proportion as a DOUBLE. | |
HyperLogLog Functions | The HLL_SKETCH_TO_STRING scalar function takes a HLL_SKETCH column or value and returns a string summary of the sketch. | |
HyperLogLog Functions | Merges multiple sketches in a single column into a unified sketch. All sketches must have the same precision. This function is an aggregate function and operates on a column. | |
HyperLogLog Functions | Merges two sketches to a new combined sketch. This function is a scalar function and operates row-wise. The scalar function merges two sketch columns with heterogeneous precisions into a sketch with the lower of the two precisions. | |
ABS | Math Functions | Returns the absolute value of a specified floating-point number. |
ACOS | Math Functions | Returns the inverse cosine of a specified floating-point number. |
ACOSH | Math Functions | Returns the hyperbolic arc-cosine of a specified floating-point number. |
ASIN | Math Functions | Returns the inverse sine of a specified floating-point number. |
ASINH | Math Functions | Returns the hyperbolic arc-sine of a specified floating-point number. |
ATAN | Math Functions | Returns the inverse tangent of a specified floating-point number. |
ATAN2 | Math Functions | Returns the inverse tangent of two numeric, floating-point values. |
ATANH | Math Functions | Returns the hyperbolic arc-tangent of a specified floating-point number. |
BICDF | Math Functions | The cumulative distribution function of the standard bivariate normal distribution. |
BIPDF | Math Functions | The probability density function of the standard bivariate normal distribution. |
BITAND | Math Functions | Alias for the BITFUNC syntax BITFUNC('AND', x, y). |
BITFUNC | Math Functions | Performs a variety of bit operations. Can be any of these string literals: 'AND', 'OR', or 'XOR'. |
BITNOT | Math Functions | Returns the bitwise negation of integral_x. |
BITOR | Math Functions | Alias for the BITFUNC syntax BITFUNC('OR', x, y). |
BITXOR | Math Functions | Alias for the BITFUNC syntax BITFUNC('XOR', x, y). |
BOOLAND | Math Functions | Alias for the BOOLFUNC syntax BOOLFUNC('AND', x, y). |
BOOLFUNC | Math Functions | Performs a Boolean logical evaluation on arguments x and y. Can be any of these string literals: 'AND', 'OR', or 'XOR'. |
BOOLNOT | Math Functions | Returns the logical negation of the BOOLFUNC function. |
BOOLOR | Math Functions | Alias for the BOOLFUNC syntax BOOLFUNC('OR', x, y). |
BOOLXOR | Math Functions | Alias for the BOOLFUNC syntax BOOLFUNC('XOR', x, y). |
CBRT | Math Functions | Returns the cube root of the numeric value x. |
CDF | Math Functions | The cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution. Returns the probability that a random sample is less than or equal to the specified value. |
CEIL | Math Functions | Returns nearest integer greater than or equal to x. |
CEILING | Math Functions | Alias for CEIL. |
COS | Math Functions | Returns the cosine of x. |
COSH | Math Functions | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x. |
COT | Math Functions | Returns the cotangent of x. |
DEGREES | Math Functions | Returns the corresponding angle in degrees for x in radians. |
DIV | Math Functions | Returns the result of x divided by y. If y is zero, returns NULL. |
ERF | Math Functions | The error function is used for measurements that follow a normal distribution. |
ERFC | Math Functions | The complement of the error function. ERFC(x) = 1 - ERF(x). |
EXP | Math Functions | Returns the exponential of x (e raised to the power of x). |
FLOOR | Math Functions | Returns nearest integer less than or equal to x. |
GAMMA | Math Functions | |
HEXBINX | Math Functions | Returns the x-coordinate of the center of the nearest hexagonal bin to the point (x, y). |
HEXBINY | Math Functions | Returns the y-coordinate of the center of the nearest hexagonal bin to the point (x, y). |
IERF | Math Functions | The inverse of the ERF error function. |
IERFC | Math Functions | The inverse of the complement of the error function. |
Math Functions | Returns the leaky rectified linear unit function of x. | |
Math Functions | Returns x shifted to the left by y bits. | |
LN | Math Functions | Returns the natural logarithm of x. |
LOG | Math Functions | Returns the base 10 logarithm of x. The optional base argument specifies the numeral system to use. If unspecified, the function defaults to base 10. |
Math Functions | The natural logarithm of the absolute value of the gamma function. | |
LOG2 | Math Functions | Returns the base 2 logarithm of x. |
MOD | Math Functions | Returns the remainder from x divided by y. |
PI | Math Functions | Returns the constant value of π. |
PMOD | Math Functions | Returns the smallest non-negative equivalence class of x % y. |
POWER | Math Functions | Returns x raised to the power of y. |
PROBIT | Math Functions | The inverse of the cumulative distribution function. |
RADIANS | Math Functions | Returns the corresponding angle in radians for x in degrees. |
RAND | Math Functions | Takes no argument and returns a random DOUBLE value in the range [0, 1). |
RELU | Math Functions | Returns the rectified linear unit function of x. |
Math Functions | Returns x shifted to the right by y bits. | |
ROUND | Math Functions | Returns x rounded to the nearest integer. |
SIGN | Math Functions | Returns the positive (+1), zero (0), or negative (-1) sign of x. |
SIN | Math Functions | Returns the sine of x. |
SINH | Math Functions | Returns the hyperbolic sine of x. |
SQRT | Math Functions | Returns the square root of x. |
SQUARE | Math Functions | Returns the square of x. |
TAN | Math Functions | Returns the tangent of x. |
TANH | Math Functions | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x. |
TRUNC | Math Functions | Returns x truncated to y decimal places. |
TRUNCATE | Math Functions | Alias for TRUNC. |
ABS | Matrix Functions | Returns magnitude of one-dimensional matrix/vector. |
Matrix Functions | Returns the cross entropy loss of two one-dimensional matrixes or vectors. | |
DET | Matrix Functions | Returns determinant of the matrix as a double. |
DOT | Matrix Functions | Returns dot product of two one-dimensional matrixes/vectors. |
EIGEN | Matrix Functions | Returns eigenvalues and eigenvalues of a square matrix as a vector of pairs. |
Matrix Functions | Returns the hinge loss of two one-dimensional matrixes or vectors. | |
Matrix Functions | Returns an identity matrix of the given dimension. | |
INVERSE | Matrix Functions | Returns inverse of a square, invertible matrix. |
LOG_LOSS | Matrix Functions | Returns the log loss of two one-dimensional matrixes or vectors. |
Matrix Functions | Returns the logits loss of two one-dimensional matrixes or vectors. | |
Matrix Functions | Returns LUPQ decomposition of a square matrix A as a tuple of 4 matrixes where PAQ = LU. | |
Matrix Functions | Returns the dimensions of the specified matrix as a tuple of (row, col) integers. | |
Matrix Functions | Creates an ixj matrix with elements e_00, …, e_ij. | |
Matrix Functions | Creates a matrix from the given string. | |
Matrix Functions | Returns trace of a square matrix as a double. | |
Matrix Functions | Returns a NULL matrix of the given (row, col) dimensions. | |
Matrix Functions | Returns QR decomposition of a matrix as a tuple of 2 matrices. | |
SOFTMAX | Matrix Functions | Returns the softmax of a 1D matrix or vector. |
Matrix Functions | Returns SVD decomposition of a matrix as a tuple of 3 matrices. | |
Matrix Functions | Returns transpose of the matrix. | |
Matrix Functions | Returns the argmax of a 1D matrix or vector. | |
Matrix Functions | Returns the argmin of a 1D matrix or vector. | |
Matrix Functions | Returns maximum of elements in a 1D matrix/vector. | |
Matrix Functions | Returns minimum of elements in a 1D matrix/vector. | |
Matrix Functions | Returns sum of elements in a 1D matrix/vector. | |
Matrix Functions | Returns a zero matrix of the given (row, col) dimensions. | |
BIGINT | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Casts the argument to a value of type bigint. |
BINARY | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Parses a hexadecimal string (such as 0x54ab) to create a binary value. Letters can be of either case. |
BOOLEAN | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Parses a string to create a Boolean value. The string must contain either true or false. It is case-insensitive. |
BYTE | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Casts the argument to a value of type byte. |
CHAR | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Creates a string version of the numeric value. |
DATE | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Parses a string in the form 'YYYY-MM-DD' to create a date. Extra characters are ignored. |
DAYS | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Converts an integral value to an interval value of type days to be used in date calculations. |
DECIMAL | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Casts the argument to a value of type decimal. |
DOUBLE | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Casts the argument to a value of type double. |
FLOAT | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Casts the argument to a value of type float. |
HASH | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Creates a fixed length binary value, with length <length>, from a string, i.e. 0x1234abcd. Zero extended if string does not have enough bytes, truncated if it has too many. |
HOURS | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Converts an integral value to an interval value of type hours. |
INTEGER | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Casts the argument to a value of type integer. |
IP | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Creates an value of type IPV4 or IPV6 from a string. |
IPV4 | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Parses a string containing an IP address and creates a value of type IPV5. |
Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Converts an integral value to an interval value of type microseconds. | |
Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Converts an integral value to an interval value of type milliseconds. | |
MINUTES | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Converts an integral value to an interval value of type minutes. |
MONTHS | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Converts an integral value to an interval value of type months to be used in date calculations. |
Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Converts an integral value to an interval value of type nanoseconds. | |
SECONDS | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Converts an integral value to an interval value of type seconds. |
SMALLINT | Scalar Data Conversion Functions | Casts the argument to a value of type smallint. |