SQL Reference

Errors and Warnings


 System produces these error and warning codes as part of its operation. Refer to these codes for their description.

Error Codes

The error codes are negative values that split into ranges by number such as -100s, -200s, and so on.

-1xx Codes



Unknown error occurred.


This is an internal error that indicates that a client (driver or connector) received an invalid response from the server.


Internal error that indicates a corruption of the serialized result set sent from the server to the client.


Internal error that indicates an unexpected condition has happened.

-2xx Codes



A client attempted a connection with a malformed connection string.


The connection to the server failed.


The handshake with the server failed.


The connection to the server was unexpectedly closed.


A network communications error has occurred.


The client tried to connect to a database with a specified name, but no database with that name exists.


Target node is offline.

-3xx Codes



An argument to a driver method execution was invalid.


A driver method executed but the input argument object was already closed.


The cursor was not positioned in a valid row.


An attempt was made to create a new result set, but the previous result set for the connection was still open.


The user and password combination was incorrect.


A statement that was not a query was passed to executeQuery().


A statement that was a query was passed to executeUpdate().


A NULL output buffer was passed to a driver method, where a NULL buffer is not allowed.


A driver execution was made that is not implemented.


An invalid parameter marker number was specified.


No database connection exists.


Invalid data was detected for a parameter marker.


The cursor was not in the required state.


An invalid buffer length was specified.


There is currently no result set.


A NULL indicator pointer was required but not specified.


A connection attribute that is not supported was specified in SQLBrowseConnect. The four supported attributes are: "DRIVER", "DSN", "UID", "PWD".


An invalid descriptor record index was specified. Valid indices start at 1 and increase to the size specified by executing SQLSetDescField with the SQL_DESC_COUNT field.


An invalid or inconsistent descriptor field type was specified in SQLSetDescRec.


An invalid descriptor field was specified in SQLSetDescField.


The target handle passed to SQLCopyDesc was an IRD.


An implicit descriptor handle that was not the original was the specified value in the execution of SQLSetStmtAttr with the SQL_ATTR_APP_PARAM_DESC or SQL_ATTR_APP_ROW_DESC attribute.


Divide by zero.


Invalid floating point operation that resulted in NaN or Inf.


The action conflicts with the current state of the database.


The unconditional DELETE FROM statement is rewritten using the TRUNCATE statement. In this case, the database does not create a plan that would appear in the results from the execution of the EXPLAIN statement.


Already in use. Used mostly in DDL when a resource or option is already assigned to the object.


Optional value was substituted.


This driver is unknown or the version support has been removed.


The execution of a client method was invalid.

-4xx Codes



One of the referenced columns does not exist.


The requested data type conversion was invalid.


Unknown data type.


A column name was ambiguous in the context where it was used.


Two incompatible data types were specified as return types in a case statement.


Join leads to a duplicate column name.


Invalid POINT conversion from NULL.


Column value is larger than internal limits.

-5xx Codes



Generic syntax error.


The SQL statement is not valid or not supported in the context where it was used.


A duplicate common table expression name was detected.


The number of columns does not match the SELECT statement.


A negative limit was specified.


A negative offset was specified.


An incorrect number of arguments was specified in a function.


Aggregation of a constant value is invalid.


An argument to a function had an incorrect data type.


An invalid comparison was detected.


Aggregation was used in a context where it is not allowed (possibly something in a WHERE clause that belongs in a HAVING clause).


A HAVING clause did not have any aggregation in it.


An ORDER BY clause referenced a column by position and that position was out of range.


An expression of type list cannot be returned in a result set.


You cannot have an expression of type list within another list.


A list expression contains incompatible types.


The function does not exist.


If the result of an expression is a time interval type, the result must be cast to an integral type.


An invalid matrix literal was specified.


A matrix literal had incorrect dimensions.


An invalid query priority was specified.


A column reference in a SELECT statement is invalid due to aggregation.


Columns for the first and second SELECT statement for the UNION, EXCEPT, or INTERSECT statement are not compatible.


An expression in the CASE condition is not allowed.


An expression in the JOIN condition is not allowed.


Aggregation is not allowed in the PARTITION BY or ORDER BY clauses of a windowed aggregate.


A non-constant value was found where a constant was expected in an argument of a windowed aggregate.


Range-based framing does not allow the PRECEDING or FOLLOWING keywords.


ORDER BY with a column ordinal is not allowed in a windowed aggregate.


A frame specification is not allowed if no ORDER BY clause is specified in a windowed aggregate.


UNBOUNDED PRECEDING is only allowed on the starting frame bound.


UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING is only allowed on the ending frame bound.


The ending frame bound cannot be less than the starting frame bound.


No frame specification is allowed for this particular windowed aggregate.


A window function requires a positive integer argument.


The specified window function requires an ORDER BY statement in the OVER() clause.


Invalid aggregation.


Invalid expression.


A CASE expression within a CASE expression is not allowed.


Window function was used in a context where it is not allowed (perhaps in a predicate of a WHERE or HAVING clause).

-6xx Codes



A referenced table does not exist.


The specified database already exists.


The specified table already exists.


The specified view already exists.


The specified view was not found.


The specified database was not found.


The specified storage space was not found.


The specified storage space already exists.


The specified user does not exist.


The specified user already exists.


The specified password for the new user is invalid.


The specified group name already exists.


The specified group does not exist.


The specified connection already exists.


The specified connection was not found.


The referenced translation does not exist.


A translation with that name exists.


The specified user was not found in this group.


The provided storage space has no storage cluster assigned.


The referenced table is a system table and not allowed for the export operation.


The referenced pipeline does not exist.


A pipeline with that name exists.


The pipeline is invalid.


The pipeline is unable to be correctly compiled.


The referenced task does not exist.


An index with that type and on that column already exists.


An index with that name already exists.


The referenced table ID no longer exists.


A connectivity pool with that name already exists.


Cannot find a connectivity pool with the specified name.


Cannot drop the last connectivity pool from a node.

-7xx Codes



The user does not have read authorization on a referenced table.


The user does not have authorization to create a database.


The user does not have modify authorization on a referenced table.


The user does not have authorization to create a view.


The user does not have modify authorization on a referenced database.


The user does not have modify authorization on a referenced view.


The user does not have authorization to drop a referenced table.


The user does not have authorization to drop a referenced row.


The user does not have authorization to drop a referenced view.


The user does not have authorization to drop a referenced database.


The user does not have authorization to create a table.


The user does not have authorization to create a storage space.


The user does not have authorization to drop a referenced storage space.


The user does not have authorization to create a user.


The user does not have authorization to drop a user.


The user does not have the authority to create a group.


The user does not have the authority to drop the group.


The user does not have the authority to create a connection.


The user does not have the authority to drop the connection.


The user is not authorized to take this action.


The user does not have the authority to modify the group.


The user does not have the authority to execute a plan.


The user does not have the authority to execute an inline plan.


The user does not have the authority to create a connectivity pool.


The user does not have the authority to drop the connectivity pool.


The user does not have the authority to modify the connectivity pool.


Unable to drop some objects in the request.


Session has expired. Refresh is necessary.

-8xx Codes



An MLMODEL with that name was not found.


An MLMODEL with that name already exists.


The user does not have the authority to create an MLMODEL.


The user does not have the authority to drop the MLMODEL.


Unable to create an MLMODEL due to a singular matrix.


Unable to create an MLMODEL because the training set is empty.


Unable to perform LUP decomposition on this singular matrix.


The user does not have the authority to modify the MLMODEL.

-9xx Codes



Operation was canceled or aborted.


I/O error.


Scalar Subquery Cardinality Violation.


Numeric value out of range.


Plan compilation error.


TKT limit reached.


Out of memory.


Segment not available.


System is still initializing.


Out of temporary disk space.


Operation was automatically killed due to drop in the client connection.

-10xx Codes



The privilege target already has the privilege.


The user does not have the authority to grant this privilege.


The privilege target does not have that privilege.


The referenced role does not exist.


The provided object ID was not found.


Create task failure.


Task already in progress.


Could not find the supplied service class.


Supplied service class definition is invalid.

-11xx Codes



No available service classes for the user have available query slots.


The specified node is not found.


Segment not found.


Cluster not found.


A cluster with that name exists.


Query exceeded service class time limit.


Query exceeded session time limit.


Query exceeded query time limit.


Query exceeded service class row limit.


Query exceeded session row limit.


Query exceeded query row limit.


Query exceeded service class temporary disk limit.


Query exceeded session temporary disk limit.


Query exceeded query temporary disk limit.


Too many columns in result set for the service class.


Too many columns in result set for the session.


Too many columns in result set for the query.

-12xx Codes



The security integration is disabled.


The security integration does not exist.


The request failed due to a network communications error.


The Single Sign On request identifier could not be found.


No session associated with the connection exists.


The supplied security token is invalid.


The supplied security token signature does not match the expected value.


The supplied security token has a signature fingerprint from an unknown entity.


The supplied security token has expired.


A network communications error occurred.


The OpenID provider rejected the request that indicates an internal server error.


The OpenID provider returned an invalid response that indicates an error with the provider.


The request_uri in the Authorization Request returns an error or contains invalid data.


The OpenID provider does not support use of the request parameter.


The OpenID provider does not support use of the request_uri parameter.


The OpenID provider discovery document is invalid.


The database OpenID configuration is invalid.


The OpenID ID or access token has expired.


The ID or access token was signed by a key not known to the OpenID provider.


The signing key returned by the OpenID provider is invalid.


The token contains an invalid claim.


The token was issued by an unknown OpenID provider.


The token was issued for an alternate audience.


The token signature is invalid, which implies the token was manipulated enroute to the database.


The specified ID token is invalid.


The specified Access token is invalid.


The refresh token returned from the provider is invalid.


The client is not authorized to request an authorization code using this method.


The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.


The authorization server does not support obtaining an authorization code using this method.


The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed.


The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed.


The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.


The authorization server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.


Cannot lock table.


Cannot unlock table.


Cannot delete from a join or a view with multiple tables.




Undefined exception.

Warning Codes

The warning codes are positive values.

Warning Code



Data received by a JDBC driver was truncated.


The driver is below the recommended threshold for the warning version.


A query returned an empty result set.


The query is estimated to have a long execution time.


The referenced object does not exist.


An object with that name exists.


Not authorized to take this action.


Restart the node for changes to take effect.


Complete system restart required for changes to take effect.


Statement contains invalid syntax.


Unable to drop some objects in the request.

Related Links

SQL Reference